Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why don't you have [Insert Movie name here] on your site?
A: You can get me the request three ways:
1) Email me
2) Sign the Guestbook
3) Post on the Message Board
When I update the site, requests are always added first.

Q: Why don't you have [Insert Quote here] from [Insert Movie here]?
A: Send me the quote you want added (see above), all requests are added first when I update the site.

Q: Can you inform me when you make changes to the site?
A: Personally, I don't have time to do this. However, if you go to Mind-It just type in the URL of the page and your email address, and they'll notify you whenever this site is updated.

Q: Do you have any quotes from anything other than movies?
A: YES! My main site is in fact located here and contains quotes from songs, poems, shakespeare, startrek, quotes about friendship, life and success, women, and quotes by anonymous authors.

Q: Do you have a chat area?
A: I don't have a chat room attatched to the site, however I have set up a Message Board where you talk talk about quotes, post questions, requests, etc.

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