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Oblet and Soug                            

Schadenfreude is the German word for taking joy in other's pain. I try to
avoid that though I do admit a spec of that feeling when our effervescent
animal, Obi, disturbed a sleeping Soug Saturday night. Soug started
examining her eyelids around about 9:30, but Obi was still in full
fetch-mode and regarded Soug's taxiderm'd eyelashes as a negotiable
situation. I saw her there, laid vulnerably on the couch
at sub-Obi level, and Obi took off on a tangent towards her letting fly
full-frontal tongue and dropping a saliva-saturated toy in the cradle of
her cheek. Soug simply made a move of dismissal, pushing Obi away.
Ahhhh……bad Obi, bad!