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June 2'nd, 2000 @ 8 a.m. in Vinton county

Researcher Jack Eblin of Chillicothe, Ohio submitted the following report to me. I appreciate him doing so. Please check out Jacks web site Jack Eblin's Southeast Ohio Bigfoot Sightings as well.

LOCATION --- Prattsville, Ohio

WITNESS(ES) --- Elderly husband and wife

INCIDENT --- An elderly woman was working in her garden on the morning of Friday June 2'nd at appx. 8 a.m. She stopped to catch movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw a large hair covered animal walking in a field beside her. She said it seemed to come out of a small tree lined fence row and was heading towards a larger area of forrest across a small field. She quit watching it and went inside to get her husband. He came outside and looked towards the area that the animal went. At first he saw nothing. They both, however, saw movement as the animal was standing at the edge of the woods and moved farther back into the brush. All the husband saw was the back of something large and dark in color. The woman told me (Jack Eblin) she was replanting cabbage plants because something had ripped hers from the garden. She did not know though if the animal she spotted was the culprit.

SIZE --- She was only about 70 yards from the animal when she first saw it and only observed it for a brief moment before returning to the house. She did say it was huge with dark brown or maybe even black hair. She estimated it was at least 6 1/2 feet tall at the least and weighed 300+ pounds.

CONCLUSION --- If this sighting is legitiment I (Jack Eblin) suspect the creature was bedding in the small fence row. Upon being disturbed by the woman it decided to head for the more protective cover of the woods.

Below you see a photo supplied by Jack of the field. The creature was seen moving right to left near the wood line in the background.

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