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Natalie's PlaceNatalie's PlaceNatalie's PlaceNatalie's Place

Natalie's Place Natalie's Place Natalie's Place Natalie's Place Natalie's Place


I finally organized my journal and it is much easier to view. Please feel free to read and respond to anything. I love getting emails, although it may take me awhile to get back to you.

What's New

Natalie has finally added a Poetry Page!--I will be adding new poems eventually
I updated my journal on 01/24/2002
I now have a "Boardroom" where you can post messages and responses to messages for other people to read and respond to! Please try it out.
I now have a separate page for my webrings so that my main page won't take as long to load.
From now on I will be posting my updates on this page so you won't have to go through my different links to find something new.
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