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You too can visit other pages that i've written and/or stolen the source code from.

My Shrine to Narcissus
Talk to me, baby.


Orgasm simulator
Small Yiddish dictionary
Scrotal Safety Commission

This is where i break my user agreement.

nothing right now

My friends' pages.

Doug's page
Joey's page
Emily's Page
Whitney's page

Some other cool things to see.

Richard Simmons on 'Who's Line Is It Anyway?'
Farting Preacher.
Sally's and Johnny's black friendly website

Hey, this is my page. It may not be pretty but it works for me. Whether or not you excuse the mess is entirely up to you, but until i finish updating the page, the mess will just have to be lived with.
So there.

I rule.

Ok for some reason i've decided to update my webpage even though there is no way that i actually have enough time to do it. So for my sake (because i'm egocentric)let's all hope that i don't go insane and/or have a nervous breakdown. Because that would suck. However, severe mental issues aside, if you happen to see the page and it looks especially disorganized that's because i can only work on a little at a time and that can't always be pretty. so until next time, ciao.


Ok, lets see i'm 5'12", 170lbs., blond hair, blue eyes, nazi poster-boy(that's a joke incase you didn't notice.), slightly strange sense of humor, eclectic intrests and abilities(just call me jack.), double major in psychoology and philosophy, graduation date; end of next century.