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Jose's Page

Greetings, welcome to my page! I'm Jose. I'm a student at Kent State University -home of the MAC Champs in Women's Basketball and Field Hockey. I just declaired a major in Sociology. I'm a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi and am involved in the Marching Band. I also have three little bro's Amanda, Pam and Jennifer. One Grand Little, Angie, and one Great Grand Little, Kim. I live in Tallmadge, Ohio, and I commute to school. I work at Arby's #5351, which sucks!! I also have a better job with Kaczmarek Insurrance Agency. I am also a member of the Kent State Swing Club. MOVIES: I am a frequent movie goer, so here are some of my favoriates: Star Wars, Clerks, Mallrats, Chacing Amy, Backdraft, Starship Tropers, Armageddon, Crimson Tide, the Crow, Falling Down, American Pie, Crocidile Dundee, the Goonies, Star Trek, Beverly Hill's Cop, Under Seige, ID4, and MIB. Music: I like most kinds of music, except country and hard core rap. Some likeable groupsof mine: Will Smith, DCTalk, Audio Adrenaline, METALLICA, Offspring, Creed, Collective Soul, John Williams, Brian Setzer Orchistra, Aerosmith. Also on the music side of things, I'm also a 5 year member of the KSU Marching Golden Flashes and Flasher Brass Basketball Band. I play a baritone named Thor. My fraternity is also a music oriented organization.

Some cool people/places.

Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity, Beta Psi Chapter
Audio Adrenaline, THE BOMB!
Campus Crusade for Christ
Star Wars Fans Homepage
How I got the name JOSE`
The Nothcentral District, the sweetest smelling district in the whole world!
Kent State Bands
KSU Marching Golden Flashes
Jose's Pics
