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...more stuff - a fly on the wall

The Meaning of Life

This is dad "having fun"; parents (and adults in general) certainly have strange ideas of what fun gets a kick out of squeezing into a little plastic boat and paddling down rivers that could swallow cars...I think playing with the little tape tabs on my diaper that make the back stick to the front is a major hoot -to each his own, I guess. One thing we both like is tickling - Dad tickles me and I tickle him...we laugh and laugh and laugh. Dad used to tickle me real light all over when I was just a baby when he put me to bed. I'd lay real still, enjoying every second of it, and go to sleep right away and have the best dreams. Oh to be young again...

This is me posing with Vladimir Lenin on a visit to Russia when I was just a baby. We visited Lenin's tomb and for 6,000,000 rubles (about $1.07 American) they propped old Vlad in a chair and you could have your picture taken with him. All I really remember is he smelled like burned turnips and he had a wild hair poking out of his nose - you'd think they'd trim his nose hairs and splash on a little Old Spice or something...
Dad wanted to distract the guards and stuff old Vlad in his backpack - a souvenir of our visit - and take him back to the states and prop him in a chair in the living room... said he'd be quite a conversation piece (whatever that is). I said "how 'bout we just steal a towel from the hotel...?" I won.

experience australia

click here to see my dad's photographs

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