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Hymn Parody Page

My Guestbook
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name; "Beware the curse of Jesus' name, He will destroy you all"
Amazing Grace "Amazing pain, how deep the wound, which you have wounded me."
A Mighty Fortress is our God "A mighty fortress is our church, a prison never failing."
Angels From the Realms of Glory "Angels from the realms of glory, turn your eyes on our poor earth."
Barbie Girl "I’m a Christian wife, in a Christian life"
Beautiful Savior "Heartbreaking Savior, Ruler of All Sorrows",
Break Thou the Bread of Life "Break thou the bread of strife, Oh Lord to me,"
Come Thou Almighty King "Cruel and barbaric King, Jehovah slaughters everything"
Great is Thy Faithfulness "Where is the faithfulness, O God my Father?"
Help Me O Thou Great Jehovah "Help me O, my little two feet, flee far from this Christian maze."
His name is Wonderful "His name is Selfishness"
Immortal, Invisible "Immortal, invisible, God in the sky,
You're so inaccessible, I wonder why"
Jesus Loves Me "Jesus hates me this I know, for his actions tell me so"
Love Divine All Loves Excelling "My heart's dream was my wedding day
but I sign my life away."
O Come to Us Emmanuel "Oh woe to us Emanuel"
Onward Christian Soldiers "Onward Christian worship band, hypnotize the throng"
Our God is an Awesome God "Our God is a cruel God, Sends pain from heaven above"
The Church's One Foundation "The church's true foundation is numbers and cash flow."

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Beware the curse of Jesus' name
He will destroy you all
He'll take charge of your mind and life
and rule as tyrant of all
He'll take charge of your mind and life
and rule as tyrant of all

He'll rob you of your precious mind
and feed you numbing lies
'till demons plague your every move
and guilt and fear paralyze
'till demons plague your every move
and guilt and fear paralyze

He'll lay on you his heavy yoke
and say it's grace for you
heap 'ere increasing do's and don'ts
to make a life you will rue
heap 'ere increasing do's and don'ts
to make a life you will rue

Since he's the perfect God of Love
all problems stem from you
and you will ne'er eradicate the cause
no matter wha-at you do
and you will ne'er eradicate the cause
no matter wha-at you do

Now listen well if you should meet
a Zombie of the Lord
be rescued by your own two feet
and flee from e-every word
be rescued by your own two feet
and flee from e-every word
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Amazing Grace
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Amazing pain, how deep the wound
which you have wounded me.
A gash within that never heals
and tears flow to the sea.

'Tis pain that haunts my waking steps
and pain that floods my dreams.
My dearest hopes you promised me,
but fed me lies and schemes.

You crushed me with your Words From God,
and D&C'd my soul,
Now nothing's left within this shell
just an armor plated hole.

When I have shed ten thousand tears,
when tears have filled the sea,
it will not quench the flames of Hell
That you have set in me.
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A Mighty Fortress is our God © 1997 Kizu Kudasai

A mighty fortress is our church,
a prison never failing.
It claims to help us in the flood,
instead it leaves us flailing.
All week they bid us go,
we waste instead of grow,
our talents atrophy,
lose in-di-vid-u-ality:
we morph into our pastor's clone.

Of our resources they have use,
our money, time and energy.
Families exist to help the church,
not the church for the family.
Since they're with God aligned,
we shan't lean on our mind,
then when we get depressed,
demons must be addressed:
we shut our eyes and fo-o-low blind.
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Angels From the Realms of Glory
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Angels from the realms of glory,
Turn your eyes on our poor earth.
See the scope of human suff'ring,
Of God's help there is such a dearth.
Let your heart break, let your heart break,
Let your heart break for the land.

Where is help for cruel diseases?
Endless third world misery?
People's hidden pain around us?
Can't you help or can't you see?
Let your heart break, let your heart break,
Let your heart break for the land.

Judging, gossip, condemnation,
"Spirit filled" but rife with sin,
Churches lost in their own programs,
Replicating TBN.
Let your heart break, let your heart break,
Let your heart break for the land.

Jesus said he came to free us
And give life abundantly,
But when 'ere I look around me,
There's no end to the hell I see.
Let your heart break, let your heart break,
Let your heart break for the land.
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Barbie Girl
© 1999 Kizu Kudasai

K: Praise the Lord!
B: Praise God!
K: You wanna get married?
B: Sure!
K: Let’s go

B: I’m a Christian wife, in a Christian life
In a bubble, safe from trouble
I will cook and clean, and do anything
Pure submission, is my life long mission
K: Come on Honey, give me your money
B: I’m a good little girl in his perfect world
I don’t think, don’t talk back, I’m your dolly
K: You’re my doll and my toy, and must do what I say
Get in bed, just lie still, do your duty
B: You can use and abuse, because now I’m always yours
I’m a Christian wife, in a Christian life
In a bubble, safe from trouble
I will cook and clean, and do anything
Pure submission, is my life long mission
K: Come on honey, feed me dinner
B: Ha ha ha yeah
K: Come on honey, fetch my slippers
B: ooh ooh
Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
You’re my gift right from God, I prayed for on my knees
K: Come jump in, bed again, I can do you again
A little fun, then I’m done, after starting
B: You can use and abuse, because now I’m always yours
You can use and abuse, because now I’m always yours
Oh serving God is so much fun
K: Well honey, I’m just getting started
B: Oh I love you so!
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Beautiful Savior
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Heartbreaking Savior,
Ruler of All Sorrows,
Crusher of Dreams
and The End of Hope.
You robbed my every dream,
You stole my every joy
You sent my soul to living Hell.

Painful is the bleeding wound,
Painful is the broken heart,
Filled with the searing lies you told.
All through the night I cry,
All through the day I sigh,
Now and forevermore in pain.
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Break Thou the Bread of Life
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Break thou the bread of strife, Oh Lord to me,
destroy the hopes and dreams that lived in me.
I thought your word was grace, not one of law,
but when I cried to you, the truth I saw.

All through my teenage years, I trusted you.
And in the word and prayer I daily grew.
Leaning not on my mind, but your strong arm,
In stead of light and hope you sent me harm.

For many years I served, so faithfully,
always lived more for you and less for me.
Trusting your promises, trusting your love,
building not treasures here but up above.

You sent my dearest dream: a man of God
though for the church he shone he was a fraud
Ambition was his Lord, I was his tool,
when I reached to your church I's scorned a fool

Now wandering in the dark, not welcome in.
Blind to my broken heart they just see sin.
Exploited all I had, then judged with shame,
of course they did it all "in Jesus' name".
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Come Thou Almighty King
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Cruel and barbaric King
Jehovah slaughters everything
Pure genocide
With germs and chemicals
Kills babes and animals
No prisoners to appeal
Under His reign

Lies flow from Christ constantly
Claims to give life abundantly
First we must die
To all our hopes and dreams
And joys that living brings
'Till we're empty nothings
Cry'ng in the dust

Spirit: the chains of the church
He always does their dirty work
Votes linked with prayer
They get just what they need
They could care less who bleeds
Their way is guaranteed
At our expense

Ancient grotesque Trinity
The Twin of Cerberus ye be
Traps all our souls
In his mind numbing cell
All of our thoughts to quell
' Till life becomes pure Hell
None can escape
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Great is Thy Faithfulness
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Where is the faithfulness, O God my Father?
There is no shadow or hint that you care.
When in great pain you don't help or comfort,
You act like someone who's not even there.

Where is the faithfulness,
Where is the faithfulness,
Each passing morning new sorrows they bring,
When 'ere I needed you never provided,
Instead more works from my life you'd wring.

First as a child, and then as a bride,
with little babies growing each day,
I needed you a million and one times,
You sent more trouble when 'ere I would pray.

Over 2 decades I loved and adored you,
Left my own kin to serve God's family
Gave all my time and my effort and money,
But when I'm in need you can't bother with me.

Grind me for sin and send pain that endureth,
Always too busy to comfort or guide,
Hell for today and no hope for tomorrow,
Miseries all mine with 100,00 besides.
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Help Me O Thou Great Jehovah
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Help me O, my little two feet
flee far from this Christian maze.
For two decades I have served Him,
He has led me into haze.
Years of pain on years of pain,
I'll cry 'till I cry no more,
I'll cry 'till I can cry no more.

When I first gave my heart to Him
I was trusting and so young.
My faith was naive like a child's,
but all of my joy He wrung.
His yoke crushed me and destroyed me,
Now I shed perpet'l tears.
Now I shed perpet'l tears.
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His Name is Wonderful
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

His name is Selfishness
His name is Selfishness
His name is Selfishness
Jesus the Lord
He's so controlling
Taker of everything
His name is Selfishness
Jesus the Lord
He's the great Liar
The Con of all ages
Almighty Tyrant is He
Grovel before Him
Bleed and die for Him
His name is Selfishness
Jesus the Lord
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Immortal, Invisible
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Immortal, invisible, God in the sky,
You're so inaccessible, I wonder why.
I worship with song and with praise and money,
but when 'ere I need help you can ne'er answer me.

Great trouble before me throughout day and night.
I beg and implore thee to show me the light.
The Staff gives me words from the Lord so freely,
It serves their agenda and further hurts me.

You show up on Sundays to soak up the show,
but then you can't help me, so where’m I to go?
You said that you'd comfort and guide me -- you lied,
How can I be sure that for my sins you died?
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Jesus Loves Me
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Jesus hates me this I know
for his actions tell me so
Lies to be about his love
Then sends brimstone from above.

Yes Jesus hates me,
Yes Jesus hates me,
Yes Jesus hates me,
His actions tell me so.

Says that for my sin he died
about that he also lied
If God chose for me to die
Why'd he leave me high and dry?
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Love Divine All Loves Excelling
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

My heart's dream was my wedding day
but I sign my life away.
He pretends he'll love and cherish
while I swear that I'll obey.
Now he owns all of my body,
saying no to sex is sin,
God spoke clearly in the Bible
I must spread my legs for him

Once I was so young and happy
living free with a full life,
Then I met my own prince charming
and became a Christian wife.
Church all Sunday and most week nights
weekend potlucks, fellowships,
Cell groups and the worship practice,
all the joy from my life slips.

The church siphons all our money,
ten percent plus offerings too.
Stretch to build a new church building,
refurbish the old one too.
We cannot save for retirement,
thrift store clothes are all we buy,
Nothing left for sitters or outings
One day we'll have pie-in-the-sky.

Ten years of increasing sorrow
in domestic slavery,
Nightly being objectified
while he shines in ministry.
Pastor says I must submit more,
cast the demons from my life,
I just need more prayer and the Bible,
I rue being a Christian wife.
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O Come to Us Emmanuel
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Oh woe to us Emanuel,
who came to earth to ransom Israel.
Instead he brought them torture and death,
And Christians tried to erase every breath.
Alas, alas, Emanuel,
You lied to us and turned our lives to hell.

Oh woe from God who claims to give us grace,
with guilt and fear he keeps us in our place,
'till grov’ling low we seek him in tears,
and throw away our selves and all our years.
Alas, alas, Emanuel,
You lied to us and turned our lives to hell.

Oh woe from God who blessed the marriage bed,
and made the man to rule as Lord and Head,
the wife is his to use at his will,
and not relent until he's had his fill.
Alas, alas, Emanuel,
You lied to us and turned our lives to hell.

Oh woe from Him our Comforter and Guide,
yet when we need his help we are denied,
'till emptiness plagues our mortal souls.
Our lives and hearts are filled with empty holes.
Alas, alas, Emanuel,
You lied to us and turned our lives to hell.
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Onward Christian Soldiers
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Onward Christian worship band,
hypnotize the throng,
do it in the Lord's name,
then it can't be wrong.
Empty, trusting hearts and minds,
begging to be filled,
we won't disappoint them,
they have come to yield.

Onward Christian worship band,
hypnotize the throng,
do it in the Lord's name,
then it can't be wrong.

Start with something real upbeat,
lift their spirits high,
We'll stop thoughts from Satan,
they won't have to try.
Slow the beat to worshipful,
ease them into praise,
build intense emotions
till every hand is raised.

When each soul is swaying,
focused on up high,
modulate up one fifth,
wring each eye that's dry.
Everyone now touched of God,
feel the Spirit move,
ushered to the Throne of God
because we work the groove.

Then a hush falls on the crowd,
Pastor takes the stand
speaking now of breakthrough,
led by God's own hand.
Every heart confirms the truth
They heard what they seek,
God has waved His magic wand so
they'll be back next week.
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Our God is an Awesome God
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

Our God is a cruel God
Sends pain from heaven above
With all wrath that he can think of
Our God is a cruel God.
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The Church’s One Foundation
© 1997 Kizu Kudasai

The church's true foundation is numbers and cash flow.
To keep them coming back we sure put on a good show.
Our worship band's professn'l, our speakers are top rate,
We keep our people happy, so they fill up the plate.

Our sermons are just pablum with one verse then a joke,
the three part exhortation: one consonant evoke,
We toss to them a promise, but also convict sin
and when they leave they feel good, we know we've roped them in.

We never teach church history or thick theology,
A solid course in Greek or sotieriology.
Though God says to equip them, they're much too ignorant
It's best to hypnotize them so we can pay the rent.

We keep the family busy every night of the week,
with kinships and more sermons, outside they never seek,
new friends or fun or learning, we own each heart and mind,
they trust so much in God's love, they gladly follow blind.
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