My trip started at about noon on Sunday.
I rode from my house in Fairfax along the bicentenial bike route to Sausalito, where by some weird circumstance I ran across Darryl, the route master, Darryl took my picture in front of Sausalito Cyclery to document the ride. I was stoked.
After Sausalito I rode across the Golden Gate Bridge, while riding across the bridge, I ran into a couple old time Marin mtn bikers, who took this picture of me with the bridge in the background.
They tried to get me to go to the X Games with them, but I had a schedule, and rode to Erik's house in China Basin. From ther, Erik and I rode to Reg's bike shop, Broadmoor Cyclery in Daily City. After hanging out at Reg's Erik led me up to Skyline. The route along the ridges to Palo Alto was very nice, a little confusing at some intersections, but not bad. I rode down Sand Hill and stopped at the Safeway. It was exactly 75 miles from Fairfax. Inside the Safeway, one of the cashiers gave me directions through Palo Alto to the Dunbarton Bridge, without her help, finding my way through might have been dificult. I arrived at the bridge, and rode across in the dark. On the other side I reached the SF Bay Wildlife Refuge, and camped up by the Visitor Center Shhhh.