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today i got up,
out of bed
and realized something
as people have many differences, many similarities
goals we want to accomplish, and dreams we wish to come true
wait...dreams...somethings we all have
what is it we dream for
better lives?
more money
the loved one we lost
yeah that is my dream
to get her back
dream day in and day out...
all that is on my mind
or do i dream it is?
for i have found another i love
so how can i love both?
what am i do?
just dream away the possibilites
dream of what may come from it all
dream of where i may end up
i wont dream
i dont need to dream
for i realized something
dreams are our thoughts in our minds
true feelings come into a picture
true emotions we cant hide
so why hide them
you dreamed of me as i dream of you
you have these feelings for me now
so when you realize what i have tonight
that we are meant to be
in our lives
for we are in our dreams
so lets do what we have wanted to
be together forever and do the samething everynight
still dream of each other

By: Jeremy Witt