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Shots and Mixed Drinks

NEW shots and other drinks coming soon............

This is a list of shots and mixed drinks that we often enjoy.The more stars that are next to it the better the shot, it goes up to 5. If there is no rating then either it was sent to us or we just can't remember. If you have any suggestions for our list then e-mail them to us.-----

n/a- Cocaine Lady--- Rum, Vodka, Kahlua, Bailey's, light cream

** Piece of Shit--- Take a bar rag wipe down the bar and then empty the rag into a shot glass

n/a- Between the Sheets---Brandy, Triple Sec, Rum

** B-52--- Amarreto, Kahlua, Bailey's

*** Alabama Slammer--- Southern Comfort, Triple Sec, Sloe Gin, Galliano, Slash of orange juice

***** 3 Wise Men On Fire--- Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Jose Cuervo, and Tabasco Sauce--- sent to us from the U of Wyoming Varsity Beer Drinkers

*** Apple Mule--- Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort, Amaretto, Triple Sec, Lime Juice, Orange juice

** Blue Motorcycle--- Gin, Vodka, Light Rum, Blue Curacao, Triple Sec, Sour Mix, Fill with Lemon-Lime Soda

n/a- Expatriated American---Captain Morgan, Grapefruit juice, powdered sugar, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Salt

*** Kamikaze--- Triple Sec, Vodka, Roses Lime Juice--- a favorite of UWSP

***** Dead Hitler--- Jagermeister, Goldschlager, Rumpleminz

*** Dirty Harry--- Jim Beam, Tequila, Bud Light

*** Barrel O' Fun--- 5 gallon jug full of Vodka, Lemonaide, Fresh Lemons, and Sugar

** Mind Eraser--- Tipex, Vodka

* Cum Shot--- Shot of Baileys floated in the middle of a glass of vodka

***Three Men and a Baby--- Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Jonny Walker, and Entamil

***Dirty Negro--- Colt 45, Jagermeister, Tanqueray, MadDog 20/20

**** Soaring Spic--- Cuervo 1800, Dave's Insanity

** Easy Rider--- Southern Comfort, Dr. Pepper( recommened for road trips by Dui Dave)

**Sex on the Beach---O.J, Vodka, Beast Ice

****Kamikaze Jim---Triple Sec, Vodka, Roses Lime Juice, Jim Beam, and a dash Jesus Juice(holy water)

n/a-Sneaky Pete's---Beast Ice, Wine

*****Straight Moonshine---Straight from the still.

****Cooter Shooter--- take any shot over 100proof straight out of a snatch.If the snatch in question happens to be alittle on the sloppy side thats just fine use it as a chaser.

n/a-Slush--- 2 cans frozen lemonade, 2 cans 7up, 2 cans Fresca, 2-5 cups of Vodka or Rum or both- Mix and freeze for a few hours( great for summer time)---sent by Cal

**Melon Ball--- cut 2 holes in a Watermelon top and bottom, stick the melon in a 5gal bucket. Stick a bottle of Vodka in the top and let it drain through the melon. Once its finished you have watermelon flavored Vodka.----sent by Cal

***Long Island Ice Tea--- One shot of- Vodka,Rum,Gin,Tequilla,and Triple Sec. Double of Sour, and fill with coke. Add lots of ice and a lemon wedge.---sent by Cal

***Jagermeister-- Just a plain old shot of Jager

n/a-Pink Panty Pull Down-- vodka, sprite, county time pink lemonade(powder)-----sent to us from Katie

n/a-Hawaii Slam-- Malibu Rum, Triple Sec, Pineapple Juice, and Strawberry Kiwi Koolaide--- sent to us from Katie

**Hunch Punch-- (usually made in a 40gal garabage can)Vodka, Everclear, Triple Sec, Cuervo Gold, and mix it all with any and all kinds of fruit juice--- sent to us from Katie

**Bahama Breeze--- Dark Rum, Banana Liqour, Apricot Liquor, Coconut Rum, Grenadine, Honey, Lemon Juice, Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice
