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Clan Morrison

Welcome to the Morrison Room, the room of my coop that is dedicated to my family clan. I have been interested in my clan and Scotland in general for a few years now. My interest in Scotland was fueled years ago when I watched Braveheart, my very favorite movie, for the first time. I loved the passion and emotion of Braveheart, but at the time had no idea that the movie applied to me or my family in any way. My mom mentioned to me after seeing the movie that she thought she remembered somone in her family telling her that they were of Scottish origin. I decided on that note to do a bit of investigating, which led to my discovery of the Morrison Clan and our involvement in the rich Scottish history. Being a part of such an intense history really motivated me to do further research, and potentially visit Scotland. I traveled to Scotland with my parents in the winter and had a fabulous time. It was exceptionally intrigueing to go to the Wallace monument, Edinburgh Castle, and to walk across the misty battlefields that long ago were stained maroon with the blood of hundreds of brave Scotsmen that died in the name of freedom. To stand beside Wallace's broadsword that ages back ravaged the tyrant English forces and left a lasting mark in the pages of Scottish history. I have a best friend, Jason Young, that is equally motivated about his clan (the honorable Douglas Clan) and Scotland. I went in just a few years from not knowing what geneology meant, to feeling part of something. The pride I invest in being a Morrison clansman is without words. In life, belonging to anything that you are proud of is vastly important, and I have. So here is to Clan Morrison, Scotland, and the history fraut with brave men who died for the love of freedom and country and prooved that every man dies, not every man really lives.

Clan Morrison Information

My Favorite Web Sites

A great site for finding your clan and general information about Scottish history. Just type in your surname, and if you're of Scottish origin, you'll find your clan!! check it out, very interesting place.
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My best friend, Jason Young's, page. Also devoted to Scotland, but covering soccer also. So for fans of Scotland or soccer, check it out!