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Welcome To Genetics Group 7's Project

Topic: Genetically Engineered Improvements in Plants.

Gina Sirchio
Ann Spaulding
Lauren Magee
Heather Kipp
Rob Nieman

History of Genetic Engineering

Often, we think of genetic engineering as beginning only a few years ago. This is not at all true. People began domestication both on animals and plants thousands of years ago as society moved from hunting and gathering to a more settled agricultural society. Although it wasn't known by this name, these domestications were based on a primative form of genetic engineering. Techniques have evolved and changed overtime with the addition of new knowledge. We have touched on many of these discoveries including Mendel's work and information involving DNA as the genetic material. As a class, we will be learning the process of genetic engineering from Dr. Wilson. This presentation will introduce some of the effects genetic engineering has on our society.


*Scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism

*Improvement of the total organism, the production of the organism, or the production of valuable or rare products by the organism by these methods

Genetic Engineering Issues:

Genetic Variation
Using agriobiotechnology to increase the quality of plant foods and worldwide nutrition
Genetically engineering the appearance of crops
Tree Biotechnology
Environmental Issues
