Kaitlyn's Page

I figure that some of you that know me well but don't talk to me all that often may want to know more about my little girl, so here it is...her very first web site!


Kaitlyn Marie, Kat, was born on May 27,2001 at 10:48 am She weighed 6 lbs. and 13 oz. at birth and was 19.5 inches long. Now she's 3 years old and she weighs 32 lbs. and is 38 inches tall. She's in great health and is an extremely happy toddler. She truely is her mother's daughter seeing that she's a HUGE flirt, VERY stubborn, completely independent, and extremely intelligent. She says her ABC's, counts to 20, and is a master of children's songs and nursery rhymes. She's very imaginative and will gladly make anyone a cup of coffee or some yogurt in her kitchen. Her tiger is still her favorite toy and constant companion but she's become a wonderful mom to her babydolls.

Well, that's all for now folks, keep checking back for updates!