Welcome to Crochethook

     I started this list in order to have a forum on the subject of crochet in all it's forms and splendors.

     There are other many newsgroups and lists on the web covering this subject exclusively or in conjunction with other needle crafts. Why another one?

     My first reason is the communication of knowledge we can all share in, the wide experiences we can draw on and the support we can give one another, the interest and delight we can take in the current projects we are working on. And I am talking about crochet pure and simple, or not, depending on the stitch & pattern of course!

     My second reason is very personal. Not having children of my own I don't have anyone to pass on the vast knowledge that I have accumulated over my lifetime. And throughout all that I have been involved with, I realize that I enjoy teaching the most. Once I master something, I can usually improve on it, and then I look around to see who I can pass it on to - usually there's only hubby and his interest run in different streams. The felines have only one interest when it comes to hook and fibre!

     And then I was introduced to the web... wow what a culture and all those opportunities out there!

     Having made that statement I need to add just one more thing: I am also a perpetual student. There are so many things still to learn so let's do some of that together. In the process of communicating through our hooks and fibres, hopefully more that a finished project can emerge - friendships can develop as we get to know one another better. We each have such full lives and so much to share, from trials and tribulations to accomplishments, joys and successes. Let's all let go of the shore and explore other horizons!

     One of the visible proofs that this list is going in the right direction is to be found on this site, as we create "our home" on the web. Everyone's input is appreciated and suggestions are welcomed. The site would not be possible without the hard work of Crochethook's members volunteering their talent and time!"

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