Sometimes You Just Gotta Clean Your Glasses
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Sometimes You Just Gotta Clean Your Glasses

Well in the course of building several bands I have suddenly realized that there is a similarity between bands and love relationships. You know when you start out with a new lover that it is exciting and all encompassing. It is all you can think about. That little voice in your head that sounds alot like you starts to splash up futuristic images of "how its gonna be"! You even start a mental tabulation of the all the things that you did wrong in the "ones that gotta way". Well, it is the same for a new band. It might even be a little worse. You throw your hat in the ring some folks and off you go. Learning songs, practicing like crazy. Then there is the first gig. The first gig is like the first sex with your new partner. Things are a little awkward at first, somehow you make it through, and all in all the experience was positive. Then a little time goes by and the novelty wears off. The little voice starts to be a little more critical and those future images start to turn a little darker, then a little more darker, until finally those things that you swore you wouldn't do start to automatically pop up their ugly heads. STOP! It is the same pattern! It is time to take a breath and clean off your glasses so you can really see! Look at what you have accomplished. Notice the talents that you have taken for granted. Pick a fun activity for the gang in the band. Go to a club! Have a campfire....Metaphorically speaking:"Don't pass up the meal by eating the menu". Rejoice and acknowledge your relationships. Set some goals do the best you can do to support the group. If your glasses are clean, then you'll see what needs to be done.
