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Say What?...Say What?

WaSSuP??!! LiKE yoU cARe abOUt anYThinG I'm sAyINg. BuT mY nAMe iS Toni Johnson . i StAY iN tHIS bORIng liL' tOWN oUTsIDE cHIcaGO cALLeD "eVANsToN". BuT OUR sCHooL is thE boMB!wE'VE GoT toNS OF pEOPLE In our sCHOOL AND heLLA hOODraTS!. But oTHeRWisE eVErytHiNg iS cOOL uP HeRE. aNYWaY i'M aBoUt to bE sENoiR neXT yEAR, aND i'M thE cAPtAIN OF tHE cHEERLeADING sqUAD. GO WiLdKItS!! aND yeS cHEEleADERS arE the boMB! AnD OF cOURSE i'M CUte! jUST lOOK! nOT to be FUll OF mYsELf, bUt i dO kNow what i'm woRKiN' wiTH:)! bUT i woRK aT fINISH liNe iN tHE oLd oRCHArD mALL aND nO i dON'T goT "THE HOOK UP!" buT jUST eNJOY mY paGE aND cHECk oUT mY lInKS!.

bEFORE i geT ouT Of hERE yALL kNOW i gOTTA gIve it uP tO aLL mY pEEPs: fiRST aNd fOremoST i gOTTA saY wASSuP tO tHE FAvORITE pERSON iN mY lIfe My mOM! bUT nOw waSSUP tO aLL mY "5-3"s..cRysTAL maLONe, alIke aLLen, aNIsSA cARIlLO, rAQUEL mILleR, rUsHEYNE bERRY, kERRY wILKinS, jIhAN dOSS, caRLA maYNE,cHImERE baRTON, aNGela heNderSON,thEresa eASON,lEA heMPhILL,aND aMBER EDwArds! BuT I dO HaVE To Say WASsuP TO ThE GRaduAtING SENoIrS ThAt ArE Ex-"5-3"s, ERin ChOrnISh, KiMani lEvY, MiChElle BoUrEsQuoT, NIcoLE MiMs, And lIZ MAuCk. Now DOn't ThINk I kIck iT JUst ArOuNd FeMALEs. WAssUp??!! to My bOo JeFf Jean-BaPtiSTE, AdaM WiSnIEwSki, MAsajJi PAtrICK, THat No LiMit CREw, TRu, PuSh, anD tHE "4-2"s JuSt To NAmE a feW. But Uh.. Let ME NOt FoRGEt JEnniFer COmbs Be-4 SHE throw A FIT! BuT If You WaNNa Get UP WIt' ME e-MAil ME!SORry THis PAgE Is StiLl UNDeR ConStRuCtIoN!

Top 10 Reasons Why Cheerleaders are da' BOMB!

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