^_~ The Sailor Moon Kingdom ^_~
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^_~ The Sailor Moon Kingdom ^_~

Hi, my name is Aspasia, welcome to my page please feel free to take a tour of my kingdom. And while your at it why not visit my sisters Sailor Moon page! & yes this page actually WORKS!!!!

*please ask before you take pics.*

under construction


"Strange? Of coures im strange, strange is fine cock-a-doodle doo!" -Minako Aino

"Who's this nutball? The shiek of Bagdad?" -Darien

"oh...my cat likes to pretend she can talk by nibbling on my ear" -Serena Tsukino

"Hey Dweebs what are you up to? Little Maggots!... Hey back off brats! Leave her alone you little amoebas!...Little pusstules! What's a matter with kids these days?..." -Mina Aino

"If worse comes to worst mabey Serena will have a klutz attack and trip Queen Beyrl" -Artimis

"MORE IMAGES" A cute picture of Sailor Moon with her glasses
A beautiful picture of Princess Serena
Prince Darien & Princess Serena
The cutest picture of the outer scouts dressed as sailors
Sailor Moon being cute *go figure*
A very cool picture of all the scouts in VERY cool outfits!
To Mark (Prince Darien)
To Sara (Sailor Pluto)
A very cool picture of Eternal Sailor Moon holding a rose
Castle in the sky Sailor Moon, a very good page!
My Dads Page

Email: sicking@icgroup.net