Days Synopsis

From Columbia Tristar
April 2, 1999

Roman tells Kate that Roberto had a relapse and is unconscious again. Kate is inwardly pleased. But when Roman says he's offered Roberto immunity from prosecution and a place in the witness protection program, Kate starts to panic. Later, Kate tells Roman she does not want Sami to die. Just then, the monitor goes off in Roberto's room. He has gone into arrest again...

Craig continues to try to convince Ali there's something going on between Mike and Carrie, but Ali refuses to believe it. Meanwhile, Carrie expresses her concerns about Austin and Sami. She thinks she should call home, but Mike says if there was any news, the family would have gotten in touch with her. Later, Craig decides to find out if Carrie and Mike have heard about Sami's and Austin's return. Craig calls Mike and asks how the trip is going...

Eric is stunned when Austin says Carrie doesn't even know he's back in town. Eric thinks Austin should call her, but Austin says he will when the time is right. Later, Eric tells Austin that by watching him and Carrie, he came to realize that honesty and communication are the most important factors in a successful relationship. Austin is inwardly stung...

Marlena continues to hypnotize John. He remembers being in the Capri hotel suite toasting champagne with Princess Gina. Greta calls and asks John if he's remembered anything. Will he tell her his breakthrough memory?

"Gina" disguises herself as a workman and sneaks into the hotel manager's office. She gets on to the computer and changes and omits the dates from Princess Gina's file. Bo and the hotel manager try to open the office door, but the lock doesn't work. Finally, Bo kicks the door open...

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