Created on June 3 1998 by Jon Jivan to become the world's #1 source for pictures of our
fellow primates
(or just because he was bored and had nothing else to do with his summer)
Picture Galleries
8-15-00 Recently I joined the United States Army Reserve to pay for college. A week ago I visited my Reserve office for less than an hour but was paid for visiting. So today I got my first check from the US Treasury. The earnings statement that came along with it ended up being a perfect example of modern capitalist society. Here's the statement... 5-9-00 I'm redoing the About Me page right now and working on integrating Macromedia Flash into the site. Stay tuned for further updates! I'm also gathering together stuff to start my second major website "The Ultimate Ren and Stimpy Page" in a effort to revive the near lost cartoon. I've got a few other miscellaneous sites at the present time if you'd like to give them a look. Have a Monkey, NLBC, The Sometimes Y Word List 5-23-00 Stupid Guestbook service would only let me hold 1000 messages on their server so I had to delete them to allow people to sign it again. You can see the old entries here if you like. |
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