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Hot Links

This is my uncle's site for his business. Its so cool.

The official NLBC site! Check it out!

Corianus Prime
My friend John's nifty site. Nice!

My cousin Ryan's site!

I'm also a big cartoon fan so here's Cartoon Network's site.

Yahoo's monkeys and primates section.

This is fun game.

The Ultimate Veggie Tales Site! The site of the coolest movie I've ever seen. It was awesome.

This is where I volunteer

Guest's Links

MonkeyGrll's Homepage

A nice Christian site by MonkeyGrll
The World of MonkeyDan
A monkey club?

Tim Mathis's Homepage

Sara's Youth Group Page
Nice page. Sooner or later I'll start one like it.
Jenna's Place
Stuff about music, movies, animals, beanies, you name it.
Three best friends, one home page
Peanut024's Home Page

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