by: Trinity

The night was cold and rainy. Susan stood at the bay window and watched as the rain fell glistening in the moonlight like jewels. She was feeling as dreary as the weather. She was supposed to go out with her girlfriends tonight, but she wasn't up to it.

"You are the world's worst romantic," her best friend Naiomy told her. She observed how Susan was sighing over the rain. Naiomy and Susan were a lot alike, but also different in so many ways. Naiomy liked the sun and cloudless days, while Susan liked dreary days with snow or rain. She wasn't a depressed person, just a hopeless romantic.

Susan laughed at her friend's comment.

"I just wanna veg out tonight, Nomy," she stated.

"Well, do you want me to scope out some guys for you?" Naiomy inquired.

"No, I'll be alright," Susan said.

"You know, Suz, you need to find that missing piece you keep talking about," she stated. "You dumped a pretty great guy cuz of your gut feelings."

"I know, I know," Susan muttered. " I just don't want to go trough the whole dating ritual right now...you know, the whole acting all coy and shy around each other and shit, only to be disappointed later. Gus was perfect to me. He cared beyond reason, and he would die for me. But something was not there for me, ya know? I knew I was more with him out of security and knowing that he would love enough for the both of us. But that's not fair to him...or me. I need a man that will make my heart pitter-patter even after 50 years of being together. But with Gus, it became like having another brother, or another best friend."

"Well, me and Monica are going out and having fun with all the Mr. Wrongs out there. You can chill here with all those deep and sentimental romantic thoughts," Naiomy joked. "Call if you need anything."

Susan grabbed Naiomy in a hug. " Thanks for being such a great friend," she said.

Naiomy could feel her heart melt out of love for her best friend.

"Well...I guess you're okay when you wanna be," Naiomy laughed, hugging Susan back.

The girls had been friends forever. They grew up together and had seen each other through every phase and incident in life. Everyone knew not to mess with them when it came to each other. They were like true family. They even told people they were sisters. Even though Naiomy was a beautiful Puerto Rican beauty with bewitching light brown eyes, and a mass of curly, long hair. Her sense of humor and style added with her startling beauty made men beg like little boys. Susan, on the other hand, was a waif-like Korean with all the best traits of the Asian world. She was slender and long, with jet-black silky hair down her back. Her almond eyes were large and intense. She had white skin that glowed, and full pouty red lips that were framed by the highest and most dramatic cheekbones. She was outgoing and to the point. They were quite a pair to behold when out on the town.

Around three months ago, Susan was set to marry her long time high school sweetheart, Gustavo. He was gorgeous and charming beyond reason, and was loyal to Susan. He'd walk on water for her. They were the best of friends. They had been together since they were 16 years old. They were now 24. It seemed natural that he proposed after college. So they were engaged at the ages of 21. But right before the wedding planning three months ago, she abruptly called everything off. Naiomy saw for a few months previous to the breakup, that Susan was feeling something wasn't right. When approached by it, Susan mentioned that she was missing something...something vital. She had felt like a puzzle that was one piece away from being completed. She felt like she'd be selling herself short by settling for second best and not even looking for what the 'missing piece' had to offer. The missing piece...could it be a man? a job? A dog? It was driving her insane! So she called off the wedding and moved out of her apartment the she shared with Gus. He was devastated and shocked, so he left to go to Georgia, and Naiomy and Susan moved to Boston. Naiomy was a successful lawyer and Susan was in the music industry, doing amateur beats and choreography for some early rising stars. They were pretty well off. After moving to Boston, something in her heart told her she was 'getting warmer.' She felt like she made a step up in progress. She figured that the city held an opportunity for her. She was just waiting something to happen. She could feel it. She liked Boston and its four seasons. It was better than the sweltering humidity the Florida held for 10 months out of the year. She made a lot of new friends and had really talented clients to work with. She had been on MTV a couple of times, supervising the choreography for some of the newer featured bands and artists. She loved what she did and was good at it. She was motivated and responsible and didn’t come with the bullshit of other industry people.

She sighed. She had tried to call Gus earlier in the day, but he refused to speak with her. She had begged his sister for his new number, and she finally relented. But it was to no avail. He was pissed. Could she blame him? She dumped a guy she was with for 8 years cuz of a gut feeling! But the feeling was so demanding and so persistent, she knew if she ignored it, that she’d pay for it later. So, she landed a great job in Boston through some friends in the industry, and shipped off. A year later, Naiomy wanted to come up, so she searched around for a nice firm to work at. Everything worked out really well. They lived together in a huge house in the quiet side of town.

Naiomy had hugged her and told hr not to worry about Gus…he’d get over it. Susan thought back to the times when he supported all her hours of dance and choreography. She drug him to hour after hour of gymnastics, ballet, jazz, formal ballroom, hip-hop, breakdancing, and even got Gus's uncle to teach her all the exotic Spanish dances. She wanted to be as diverse as possible. She graduated at the top of her class for her double major…business and dance. She knew exactly what she wanted to be doing. She was happy for the most part. She wondered if Naiomy was having fun. Probably, she thought. Naiomy could have fun at an insurance seminar. She looked outside and saw that the rain had stopped. She decided to go to the park and sit by the lake. She took her cigarettes and a six-pack of beer and drove out to the park. It was only 2 miles away. It was built as part of the neighborhood for the children. The place was really well lit. There was a beautiful lake with a fountain in the middle that reflected the different colored lights placed in the water for that purpose. She took out her big blanket from the trunk and sat down. She loved the beach and lakes at night. She smoked a cigarette, and stared out into the gently rippling water. She popped open a beer and started drinking it. She suddenly heard something in the bushes. She turned her head slowly and saw the hugest dog staring at her. She was afraid of dogs anyway, so she froze. The dog barked once and started running over to her. She flinched and squeezed her eyes shut, thinking that she was a goner. But the dog stopped right next to her, plopped down on the blanket, and laid his head down on her lap. She opened her eyes and stared in shock.

"Hey, there, doggie. Where’d you come from?" she inquired.

"SHANE?! Get back here! Where are you?" someone shouted. A figure ran out of the bushes and the dog lifted his head and barked once. He guy walked quickly over, apologizing.

Susan looked up with a smile to indicate that she didn’t mind. She jumped up when she saw who it was.

"Jordan! I…I mean, Mr. Knight…I mean, uh…it’s alright," she stammered, blushing furiously.

Jordan laughed. "Well, I guess you have a good vibe for this dog to warm up to you like that."

Susan laughed nervously.

"Well, you seem to know my name, but I don’t know yours," Jordan teased.

"Um, Susan. Susan Kay. I…uh…" she said.

" Oh wait!" he interjected. "I know you! I saw you on MTV a couple of weeks ago. You do the dance stuff, right?"

"Yeah! That’s me," she said.

"You were pretty dope. How long have you been dancing?" he inquired.

"I was dancing before I learned to walk," she laughed.

The whole time, Susan was DYING. She couldn’t believe she was standing there talking to Jordan Knight! She really loved his style of dancing back in the day. He was staring intently at her. She started to blush and looked away.

"You’re dog’s really sweet. I usually am afraid of dogs, especially big ones, but…" she trailed off.

"Oh. I guess he sensed you from far away. We were just walking around, and his ears perked up all of the sudden, and he took off," he said. "Maybe we were destined to meet." Jordan blushed after he said that.

So Susan offered him a beer and invited him to sit down with her. He gladly accepted. They got to talking about themselves and Susan found herself telling him all the crap that she has been going through. She told him about the whole ‘something’s missing’ complex she had, and she told him about her childhood and her job, her best friend, and even her hobbies. He listened with such an intensity and interest. Afterwards, he went in to the whole spiel himself. They found out that they had a lot in common. They laughed at the same things. By the end of the night, they were finishing each other’s sentences.

" So, I thought you lived in Essex, not in Boston," she inquired.

"Yeah, well, after I dumped Evelyn, I left. I didn’t want to be in that house anymore. It held too many nightmares and bad memories," he explained.

"Oh…sorry to hear that," she sympathized. "If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?"

"She was a lying, cheating bitch who wanted all my money, but she expected it to fall from the sky. She loved the money, but not the profession. She threatened and physically hurt my fans, she was abusive and crass, like she had no class. She held this cute and charming front to me for 5 years, and then as soon as we moved in together, her true colors showed. I held on for Dante. Almost two years I took it, but I couldn’t take it anymore, so I dumped her," he concluded.

"Damn. That’s rough. Well, you were a trooper for trying. Where is Dante?"

"He stays with her every other weekend. Otherwise, I have him during the week and stuff," he explained.

"Well, is she a good mommy?" I asked.

"She got pregnant to try and trap me, so she loves her kid, but she’s more disconnected with him. He loves her, too, but not fully, like a child should love his mom, ya know? So I play both roles. He and I are 2 peas in a pod," he grinned, thinking about his adorable little two year old son.

Susan saw how dedicated and happy he looked at the mention of his son. "How cute!’ she thought to herself. He was so beautiful, sitting there, sipping a beer, smoking a cigarette, and looking at her. His black shirt showed off his incredible body, and his baggy jeans left much to the imagination. She was turned on by the sexy way his Tommy cologne wafted up from his body. They talked about relationships and stuff for awhile, and Susan finally realized the time.

"Shit! Talk about stimulating conversation. It’s 1 in the morning!" she exclaimed.

Jordan looked disappointed and asked, "Do you work tomorrow?"

"No. I have a few days off. But my roommate went out, and if she’s back, she’ll be worried sick. I didn’t leave a note. I didn’t realize that coming out here would turn out to be such an experience!" she laughed.

He looked at her and knew that he needed to see her again. He couldn’t explain it, and the more time he allowed to pass, he might lose that chance. So he impulsively grabbed her hand, and blurted out, "So when can I see you again?"

Susan looked shocked, and started to stammer.

"Well, I can…you can…call me…if you want to."

"I’d like to do that, Susan," he said, gazing directly into her eyes.

He walked her to her car, where she found some paper and a pen to write down her cell phone number. He took it, and gave her his number. He asked her to do lunch for the next day.

"Sure," she said, hoping she didn’t sound like an eager dork.

"Great. I’ll call you tomorrow then," he said.

She turned around to get in the car, and he spun her around and hugged her tight. Feeling all those muscles on her chest made her woozy and lightheaded.

"Thanks, Suz, you’ve really helped me get a lot of shit out of my system."

"You’re welcome. Anytime. You really helped me, too," she replied.

He regrettingly let her go. He and Shane watched her as she left. Shane let out a little whine.

"I know, boy. I wish she didn't have to go," he said to Shane, looking at Susan's disappearing taillights. He sighed. "Maybe I should leave the girl finding to you, huh, boy?" he asked, rubbing Shane behind the ears. He slowly started for his home, only 4 blocks away.

Susan screeched into the driveway of her and Naiomy's house. Naiomy was home, and waiting for her with their close friend, Monica.

"And where exactly were you?" Naiomy demanded. "I've been worried sick about your ass. I call your cell phone, and it nearly scares the shit outta me cuz it's right next to me WHERE YOU LEFT IT."

"Sorry, Nomy," Susan said sheepishly. "But you will never believe what the hell happ..."

"Wait, wait, wait," interrupted Naiomy.

Susan looked in excitement at Monica, and saw that she had a coy look on her face.

Naiomy continued. "Lemme guess...you went to the park and met the man of your dreams, Jordan Knight, and you guys had such a bomb-ass time, the time just slipped away, right?"

"What the...? How the HELL did you know that, kid?" Susan was amazed and very confused.

Monica and Naiomy both jumped up and grabbed her around the waist to squeal happiness.

"What exactly is going on here? How did you guys...? ARE YOU SPYING ON ME?" Susan exclaimed.

"No, dummy! HE CALLED! YOU LEFT HIM LIKE 3 MINUTES AGO, AND HE CALLED!!! He told me about the dog and all that shit, GIRL!!!" Naiomy was freaking out. All three girls held onto each other and screamed like teenagers.

"I gave him hell, thinking that it was one of your clients trying to play a trick on you. I couldn't believe it was him!" Naiomy explained. She was flushed...she was so excited for her friend.

"Well, don't either of you get your panties in a bunch...we just talked," Susan informed.

"What the hell ever, girl! No man would call back that fast unless he was mad interested." Monica replied.

"Well, I hope he knows that I ain't 'that kinda girl,'" Susan retorted.

"Oh please! Suz, get off it! He could get 'it' anywhere!" Naiomy replied.

"Gosh...I feel like it never even happened! I'm in dreamland right now!" Susan exclaimed.

"Well, wake the hell up and call him. He didn't waste a second," Monica said excitedly.

So Susan went to the phone and dialed up Jordan's number. He answered on the first ring.

"Hey, Jordan," Susan said, halfway expecting him not to remember her name.

"Hey, Suz. I was waiting by the phone for your call. I just wanted to make sure that you got home okay. I don't think Shane would have let me sleep tonight if I hadn't called you to check," he said nervously.

Susan laughed. "Oh..." she said, feigning sadness. "I was hoping YOU called to see if I was okay," she added.

"Oh! I did, I did...I just..." he trailed off, thanking his lucky stars that she couldn't see him blushing like crazy.

She could sense him blushing on the other line. She smiled to herself as she pictured his little dimples.

"What time did you want to meet tomorrow?" he asked.

"I don't know. Whenever I get up and clean up a little, I guess," she replied.

"Oh...well, I could come over to help. I'm the best cleaner in the world," he suggested with hope in his voice. Susan laughed at his eagerness.

"Sure, why don't I call you when I get up, then?" she said.

"Sounds great! So...what are you gonna do now?"

"Probably get ready for bed," Susan said.

"Oh...well... you too tired to talk some more?" he was gripping his head, praying she would say yes.

"No... not for you...I mean...not really...I mean, I can talk," she was shocked at her own directness. She tried to cover it up, while Jordan smiled at the comment. He felt chills when she had said that. He glanced in the mirror across the room and realized he had the goofiest and silliest smile plastered across his face. He was embarrassed and was glad she wasn't there to see him blubber all over her. What was wrong with himself, he wondered. He felt like a schoolboy. So they ended up talking for a few hours, and by the time they hung up the phone, it was 5 in the morning! She couldn’t believe that they had so much to say to each other. She wasn’t even like that with Gus, and they had been together for 8 years! Both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

Susan’s cell phone rang at around noon. She bolted up and answered it.

"Hello," she mumbled, half asleep.

"You sound cute when you just wake up," someone said.

"J…what’s up? You’re actually awake?" she mumbled.

"Yup. Are you ready for a day on the town?"

"I guess…what did you have in mind?" she asked, yawning.

"Well, I figured, we start off with a nice lunch, and then just take it from there. Maybe throw in a little shopping or walking around, or whatever," he replied.

"Sounds good. Let me go and get ready. Do you want to meet here?"

"Sure. I’ll drive today. Where’s your house?" he asked.

She told him the directions, and he realized they were not even 10 minutes from each other. The thought made his head spin.

"We’re neighbors! That’s cool. Now I can keep an eye on you," he said.

She blushed like crazy on the other line, and laughed. He said that he’d be over in an hour.

She jumped out of bed and raced for the shower. She decided to wear her long, black hair down. She pulled out her dark jean Capri pants and a red tank top. She blow-dried her hair and pulled on red sandals. She rushed into her room to put on a little makeup. Her skin was pale and smooth, so she never needed heavy makeup. She just brought out her eyes with liner and mascara and outlined her lips in a flesh tone lip pencil. A dab of gloss finished off the look. She ran downstairs to make sure the house was clean. Naiomy had known she was on the phone all night, and took the liberty of cleaning the house spotless.

"I guess you aren’t such a jerk after all," Susan teased.

"I have my good days, I guess." Naiomy laughed.

They sat and gossiped about Jordan.

"So, I mean, what’s up? I can’t believe how eager this guy is! He’s called you twice in the last 12 hours! Did you guys kiss or anything?" Naiomy prodded.

"NO! I don’t know, man. It’s weird. We talked about EVERYTHING. He knows shit that only you know. I never thought I could tell someone else stuff like what I tell you," Susan explained.

Naiomy smiled knowingly. "Well, I ain’t saying shit until I see things progress some more."

"Progress? Nah…I think he needs a friend," Susan explained.

"Friend? My dear, sweet Suz, maybe he needs a piece, too," she suggested.

"WHAT?!! Girl. You know I am not even about that shit…" Susan protested.

"NO!" Naiomy interrupted. "Not a piece of ass! I meant peace of mind….you know…your ‘missing piece’ problem," she suggested with a knowing look of confidence in her eyes.

Susan sat there, and it was as if a bolt of lightning struck the whole house in to a pit of silence. Naiomy sat and studied her best friend’s face. She believed in fate, and she knew that Jordan Knight wasn’t in her friend’s life for no reason at all. With all the famous people they were both around in their careers, both could get laid anytime, and by anyone. Susan’s morals were too strong, though. She had only been with Gus. She prayed everyday for her friend to find that missing piece, whether it was a person or a thing, event, or whatever the "piece" was.

The doorbell rang, jolting both out of their thoughts.

"Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe that he is actually gonna be in our house!" Naiomy squealed, running for the door. She opened it, and looked into the most beautiful brown eyes and smile she had ever seen. She put away the jolt of panic, and gave him a friendly greeting, inviting him in.

"You must be Naiomy," Jordan inquired. "Suz has told me so much about you."

"Yeah? Well, don’t believe half the things she says," Naiomy joked.

"Wow, then you aren’t as nice as she says you are? Oh, and you aren’t her best friend?" Jordan countered.

"No way. Can’t stand the bitch. Hated her all my life," she replied.

They both bust out laughing when they heard Susan say, "Screw you, dork!" They both laughed again as Naiomy ran into the living room and tackled her best friend. Jordan watched them and laughed. They wrestled around for a minute, and Susan got up and hugged Jordan hello. Naiomy watched excitedly. She saw how good they looked together. She also noted how Jordan closed his eyes for the hug, to savor it in his mind. She was happy for Suz.

"You have one of those?" Susan asked, pointing at Naiomy.

"What, a wrestle buddy? Yeah, don’t we all?" Jordan replied.

"And what’s his name?" Naiomy asked.

"Joe McIntyre," Jordan said.

"Oh MY god!" Nomy’s jaw dropped. "Joey Mac? You guys still talk?"

"Hell, yeah, we’ve been through it all. He was there when I was going through some stuff with my ex-fiancé. He toughed it out with me. He and my manager, Miguel, both did," J explained.

"Cool! So, is he…uh…does he…" she stammered.

"What Naiomy is tactfully trying to ask is, is Joey with anyone?" Susan chimed in.

Naiomy punched her in the arm, blushing fiercely. Jordan laughed at the cuteness of the girls’ friendship. They really knew each other and cared.

"No, actually, he just broke it off with his girl, Nina. She wasn’t being too supportive. Do you want to hang out with him? You’re just his type," J offered.

Naiomy blushed even more while Susan laughed, "I’ve never seen her so quiet!"

"Shut up, girl," Naiomy said.

" I’ll tell him about you," Jordan said.

"No, no, no…you don’t have to…" she protested.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah he does," Susan argued.

"Don’t worry, I’ll sneak you in. He already knows about Suz, so I can just slip you in as the cute roommate. He did ask if Susan had a friend."

"And when did you tell him about me?" Susan inquired, with a smile on her face.

Jordan realized he had given himself away, and blushed.

"AWWW! He told his friends! That’s a good sign," Naiomy said to Susan.

Now it was time for Susan and Jordan to blush. They chatted for a little while longer, and then Susan and Jordan left to go out. They had a great day. They went to lunch at a cute little restaurant, and went shopping at the mall. Lots of people stared and asked for autographs. Some people even recognized Susan from her TV appearances on MTV and VH1. Everyone was talking about the two and what they thought was going on. But all in all, it was a peaceful and pleasant day. They went into a toy store and Susan helped pick out some toys for Dante. He showed her pictures of him from his wallet.

"He’s such a beautiful child," she gasped, when she saw him.

"Thank you," Jordan replied, pride evident in his face and voice.

"He looks just like you," she stated, and blushed, both of them catching what she meant.

He ran a finger down her cheek and said, "You’re very beautiful, too."

She smiled up at him and looked down. She then quickly changed the subject and dragged him to another toy. They had fun, throwing the football around, and hiding from each other. Jordan kept staring at her when she wasn’t aware and shaking his head in wonder. He couldn’t believe what a beautiful person she was. She had a great body…nicely petite, and toned, skinny and cut. She looked like Pocahontas. She could easily be a model. But it blew him how selfless and gentle she was with everyone. She put everyone she talked to at ease and under her spell. Fame hadn’t gotten to her head at all. He had wanted to kiss her so bad, but she had seemed scared and not ready for that yet. It was okay…he’d wait.

Susan caught him staring at her out of the corner of her eye. Her heart was racing. She was used to meeting famous people, and she never got nervous. She couldn’t figure out why Jordan was bewitching her the way he was. She was having the best day she had had in a long time. She felt at ease and trusted him with her innermost self. They already knew practically everything about each other. Time…she needed time. Just then, she saw a cute little rubber toy for Shane. She ran and bought it. Jordan didn’t even know about it until they got in the car. He was preoccupied with all the toys for Dante. Susan shyly handed him the toy and said, "Could you give this to my buddy?"

Jordan’s heart melted when he saw what she had gotten.

"Man! This girl is the bomb. She bought something for my dog," he thought to himself. He smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. She drew back, pleasantly surprised. They smiled at each other. They then decided to call it a day. Susan invited him over for dinner at her and Naiomy’s house. They decided to call Joe and tell him to come over. Naiomy didn’t know about it yet. Susan giggled at the thought of her friend’s face upon hearing the surprise. She knew that Joe was a goof, just like Naiomy. They had a ton in common, from what Jordan said. So they compared notes on their best friends to see if they’d be compatible. They concluded that Joe and Nomy would be absolutely perfect. Naiomy was so beautiful and exotic. She was nice to everyone and would give the shirt off her back to someone in need. Susan and Naiomy were nominated "most likely to achieve world peace and harmony through love" in high school. Naiomy also won the title for "sexiest female" while Susan took home the "best looking and best dressed" title. They were a team…inseparable. They vowed never to live in different cities, or God-forbid---different states.

They picked up some movies and headed home. Naiomy was at the house, going over some papers for her firm. She had landed a million-dollar account, and she was busting her ass over the opportunity. She rarely lost a case. She was a fighter and a smartly informed arguer. When J and Susan arrived, she finished up and went to take a shower. Susan started on dinner, which was going to be lasagna and homemade garlic rolls with a fresh garden salad. Homemade strawberry shortcake, Susan’s specialty and Naiomy’s favorite, would be dessert. Jordan sat on the counter and called Joe’s cell phone while admiring her cooking skills.

"Yo! Joey Mac, what are you doin' tonight?" Jordan asked.

"J! What’s up, man? Um….nothing, why?"

"I’m over at my…I mean, Susan’s house, and she’s hooking it up with dinner. Everything homemade, bro! Lasagna, rolls, salad, and dessert. Wanna come?" he was embarrassed about almost calling her ‘my girl’ and talked fast to cover it up.

"Damn! Thought your girl’s name was Susan…not Betty Crocker," Joe joked. "But I don’t wanna be the third wheel."

"You won’t, dumbass. She’s got a roommate that you’d die for. Her name’s Naiomy. She’s a real hot dish. Not as fine as this one right here, but she’s right up your alley, kid," Jordan said, staring at Susan’s butt in the tight capris while she washed the veggies for the salad.

"Word? You’re biased, so let me be the judge of that. I’ll be there in 30 minutes. Let me get ready. Give me directions."

He gave Joe the directions and hung up, laughing.

"Hot dish, huh?" Susan asked.

"Yeah…and?" Jordan asked in a playful fighting tone.

"You aren’t so bad yourself, Mr. J," she flirted.

It took all his strength not to jump off the counter and grab her. He wanted to run his fingers through her silky black hair. He wanted to kiss those lips and feel her breath on his face. But he held back. He didn’t want to cross any boundaries. She had too much class to move fast. Naiomy bounded down the steps looking refreshed and devastatingly gorgeous in tight blue bell-bottoms, and a black tank top. Her long spiral curly hair was up and held with chopstick barrettes, with curls hanging down the sides and some down the back.

"MMMMM…something smells so good!" she breathed.

"I made yummies," Susan said. "You look nice. What’s up?"

"Nothing. Didn’t wanna look sloppy if we’re gonna have a guest," she replied.

"You mean guests," Susan corrected, looking away quickly to hide a smile.

Naiomy and Susan knew each other’s every move and the meanings behind them. She looked at Jordan and Susan suspiciously for a second.

"Girl, what do you have up your sleeve?" Naiomy accused.

Susan looked at Jordan with a shocked face and said, "What are talking about? I invited someone else," she explained like it was nothing.

"Girl, don’t make me look like a…."

Naiomy was interrupted by the doorbell. Susan was busy putting the lasagna in the oven. "Go get that, Nomy," she instructed.

Naiomy was more suspicious after she saw the look Susan and J shared.

"You get it," she said.

"Nomy! I am trying to get all this food ready," Susan said.

"Jordan, you get it," she said, nervous and not knowing why.

"It’s not my house, hon," he explained, grinning wickedly.

"You both are jerks. I don’t know what the hell you’re up to, but…"

****DING DONG****

"Naiomy!" J and Susan both yelled at the same time. "The door!"

Naiomy went to the door, half expecting some deranged guy in a clown suit to jump out at her. But she took a deep breath and answered the door, forgetting she could have looked through the peephole or side window. She opened it only to see the most amazing blue eyes. She’d only seen eyes like that on TV and that was when she was watching a show on…

"Joe McIntyre! Holy sh…" she trailed off.

Joe stared at this girl in front of him and gaped openly. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. He knew it wasn’t Susan, because he’d seen her on TV before. He hoped that this was the roommate. He got his composure back and smiled at her. "You must be Naiomy. I’ve heard good things about you. I’m Joe."

"I know-I mean-I am-I mean thank you," she was dying with embarrassment. Good one, Ms. Big-Shot Lawyer: way to use that skillful wording, she thought to herself. He took her hand and kissed the palm. Her knees almost gave out. Just then, Jordan bounded out of the kitchen and tackled Joe. The two looked like little kids. Susan walked out and she and Joe shook hands. Joe had forgotten how beautiful Susan was. He pulled J into a hug and thanked him profusely for the setup. J laughed and told him to get to know her and see how they get along, then see where things could go. Joe smiled. J was always so overprotective of him. It would be another hour before they could eat, so they sat around and had a few drinks and talked. Naiomy and Joe seemed totally in tune with each other, so Susan took Jordan into the kitchen to help her get dinner set up. They all had a great dinner. Everyone raved over the food. The guys put away 3 platefuls each. Dessert was taken into the living room to eat while watching the movies. They had a great time. At around eleven, Joe sat up an asked Naiomy if she’d like to take a drive. Naiomy said she’d love to. Susan and Jordan smiled and gave the other couple a gloating look. Jordan leaned over and whispered to Susan, "Going for a ride is Joe’s way of saying he wants to talk and get to know everything about her. He usually doesn’t bother. He didn’t even ask Nina to go for a drive. He’s only done that one other time. He was for real about her, but she died in a car crash back when we were still in the New Kids."

"Oh…how sad," Susan said. "So Nomy’s in the special category already, huh?"

"Yup…you can see it in Joe’s eyes."

Joe and Naiomy said their byes and left for their drive, where Susan was told later that they bonded and got to know each other really well.

This scenario of closeness and friendship went on for months. Joe and Naiomy struck up a lasting and sturdy relationship within that time. Jordan and Susan were still taking it slow. Susan was getting more famous clients, and ‘N Sync was waiting in the wings for her to help them out. She was so excited. She was finally coming into the big time. Jordan’s new album was going to be collaborated by Susan’s ideas. She was very thankful for all the opportunities. Meanwhile, her and Jordan got to be the best of friends within 4 months. Naiomy and Joe were definitely in love and wondered when J and Suz were going to hook up. But they discussed that amongst themselves. They wanted things between the two to happen naturally. They were so meant for each other.

One weekend, Joe took Naiomy to his cabin on the lake. So Susan and Jordan decided to make it a movie night. They popped popcorn and got some beer. While she was getting the salt out, Jordan threw a piece of popcorn at her. It bounced off Susan’s forehead. Jordan was laughing, when she rebounded with a handful and shoved it in his face. She laughed and ran. He gave chase all around the living room, and grabbed her shirt, She fell onto the couch, laughing and squealing. Jordan pinned her down and tickled her. They stopped and stared at each other, breathing hard from the running. She looked up at his brown eyes, and she automatically knew what she wanted. She was usually all about hesitation, but this time, she knew that she didn’t need to. She impulsively curled her hands into his hair on the back of the head, and pulled him down for a long awaited kiss. They explored each other’s mouths and melted into one another. Susan couldn’t believe how right and natural it felt. It was like they’d been programmed to be together. Jordan broke the kiss first.

"What made you do that? I’ve been wanting to do that for 4 months now," he confessed. "But I didn’t want to push it."

"Sometimes it’s good to push something that’s so right," she said, her eyes half closed and dreamy.

He sighed with relief and kissed her again, this time, pulling her up onto his lap. They sat and made out, enjoying each other’s touch for a long time. He broke away again. It was getting harder and harder for him to control himself. He wanted to stop before he couldn’t. She felt that way, too. She wanted to be with him, but she wanted it to go at a slower pace. The intensity she was feeling would have made her go crazy on the poor guy. She wanted to put herself in check first. She had only been with one other man, and she felt inadequate. Gus was an all right lover, but she didn’t feel the spark. But with Jordan, just holding his hand made shock waves go up her arm. Gus never made her feel that way…not even in the beginning. They were never adventurous or daring in bed, either.

"Susan, I want to make love to you, but I want it to be perfect, and I want it to be when you’re ready," he said.

"I am ready, and I want to also, but I think it’s better to wait," she said.

"I understand. Now at least I can tell people you’re my girl instead of lie to them," he joked.

She laughed and kissed him again. When they parted, he sang, "Every time we kiss, it always feels like this, I believe in you."

She almost cried at the sweetness of it all. Just then the phone rang.

"Hey, girl! We got here safe." It was Naiomy.

"Good…are you two having fun?" Susan teased.

"Well, the good times are just about to start!"

"EWWW! Too much info, babe," Susan exclaimed.

"So…have y’all smooched yet?" Naiomy asked bluntly.

Susan laughed and said, "Why don’t you ask Jordan?"

"WHOO-HOO! You did!" Then she told Joe the news.

"It’s about freakin’ time!" Joe said and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, Suzy, what’s up, sweetie?"

"Hey, you. How are things?"

"Great, now that you’ve granted my best friend his only wish in the world."

Susan blushed and looked at J. "Well, I try," she answered. "Wanna talk to J?"

"Definitely! I gotta bust his chops," Joe teased. She handed the phone to Jordan.

"What’s up, little man?" J said. "You got there safe?"

"Yeah…so what’s up with you?" Joe asked in a teasing voice.

"Nothing, man. Just sittin’ around with my girl," J answered proudly.

"It’s about time you were man enough to make a move. You’ve been pining away for her for the last 4 months," Joe said.

"Yo, she kissed me first. Blew me right out of the water."

"Word?! You got yourself a powerhouse, huh?" Joe exclaimed.

"I got myself a keeper," he answered, touching her hair and kissing her forehead.

"Alright, man. I heard that kissy noise shit. Save it for when I’m not around to hear it," Joe joked.

They talked for a little while longer and hung up. He turned and faced Susan.

"I want you to come with me to pick up Dante tomorrow. I want you to meet him. And I want to take you to my mom’s house so you can meet her and the rest of my family," he stated.

She stared at him. "Are you sure you want Dante to meet me? Will he be uncomfortable with me?"

"No way! He’s already seen pictures of you and he says your pretty. He even said your name around Evy, and she called me bitching," he said. "You’d think she’d get over it after me and her being apart for over a year."

"Yeah, I’d like that," she replied, her heart overwhelmed with happiness. So the next morning, they headed over to Evy’s house. Susan was nervous and apprehensive. She didn’t want any crap from her. When they pulled up, Jordan called her from his cell phone and asked her to bring him out. Evy walked out and stopped short when she saw Susan.

"What’s she doing here?" Evy demanded.

"We’re here to pick up my son," Jordan retorted, holding his arms out to Dante, who laughed and jumped in his daddy’s arms. Susan came up and stuck her hand out.

"Hi, Evelyn, my name is Susan. It’s nice to meet you."

"Hello," Evelyn said, looking down her nose and not accepting Susan’s hand.

Susan still kept her smile and retracted her hand. Dante pointed at her.

"Daddy…look! Susie." Susan laughed at the charming miniature of Jordan.

"Wow! He’s so smart," Susan exclaimed.

"Jordan, I need to talk to you inside…now," Evy retorted.

Dante looked at his mother with a little bit of fear in his eyes. Susan guessed the baby was used to this tone of voice from his mom. Jordan nodded and asked Dante if he wanted to stay outside with Susie. He nodded his little head vigorously.

"NO! He will come in with his mom and dad," she stated.

"No, he will stay out here an play," Jordan had his teeth clenched.

Susan didn’t know what to do. There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Fine," Evy answered brusquely.

Dante jumped in Susan’s arms. She looked at him and saw his tiny little features. She marveled at how much he looked like his father. He smiled at her and touched her face. "Susie pretty."

She laughed and lavished kisses all over his little face. He giggled. They walked around the yard for a little bit. She then heard Evy’s screaming voice.

"How the fuck could you bring your little bitch to my house?" she raged.

"First of all, she’s not the one that’s a bitch, Evy. Second of all, I wanted her to meet my son," Jordan yelled back.

"You need to know what’s right. I am the mother of your child, not her."

"Yeah, throw that in my face. Dante is my son and you might be the mother, but you sure as hell ain’t a mommy to him. He’s scared to death of you and your abrasive ways and voice. You need to stop using Dante like he’s a shield, or like he’s bait for you to trap me! It didn’t work the first time, and it won’t work now! I tried everything to stay, but nothing was ever good enough for you. It’s always about you, you, you!" he yelled.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I don’t need you or that damn kid. You can take him forever. I don’t need the two of you fucking with my life," she countered.

"You mean that, right? Cuz I’m taking you up on that, happily. You will never see us again. Just say the word," Jordan warned.

"Go! And take that slut and that bastard child with you!" she screamed.

Jordan had to use every once of strength not to smack her. He couldn’t believe she had said that about his perfect little son.

"Good…he don’t need a mother who uses him to her advantage. He needs a mommy to love and care for him for real reasons. And there ain’t a real bone in that washed up body of yours," Jordan growled. "I’ll make sure my lawyers come TOMORROW with papers for you to sign. Sign them and free yourself of what you think of as a burden."

"Gladly…now get the fuck out," she yelled.

Outside, Susan’s eyes filled up with tears. She held Dante close and walked to the car. She put the baby in the car seat and strapped him in, when J stormed out of the house and slammed the door. She got in the passenger side as he slid into the driver’s.

He got in the car and slammed his hands on the steering wheel. Dante jumped, and called out, "Daddy?" Jordan turned around with a big smile for his son and said that he was just joking. Susan reached over and put her hand on his arm. Her cool touch calmed him immediately.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asked.

"Not here. Not in front of the baby. Let’s go to my mom’s. She wants to see him, we’ll talk there," he said. He did, however, take out his cell phone and call his lawyer. While he explained everything to the lawyer, Susan turned and occupied little Dante with some cookies and read to him from his favorite picture book. He laughed as she did the funny voices and clapped his chubby, dimpled little hands. She was fascinated by this perfect little man. She’s always loved children, but this little boy had her wrapped around his finger. After Jordan finished the conversation, he arranged for the papers to be made and delivered the next day. He looked over and saw Susan playing with Dante. Dante’s eyes were sparkling and he was laughing and being the way he was with only his father. He couldn’t believe how easily Susan was accepted by his son. Dante was a quick character judge. He could read people like a book. Hell, even his dog loved her! He laughed at the memory of how Shane had found her that night, four months ago.

"What’s so funny, daddy?" Susan teased. Jordan felt aroused hearing her call him that. She sensed it and smiled.

"Oh! I was just remembering how Shane found you that one night."

Oh, yeah!" Susan laughed. Dante started to laugh when he heard Susan laugh. Jordan stared at his son in the rear view mirror in shock and glee.

"Amazing how all my little critters are drawn to you. Like father, like son, like dog, I guess," he said.

Susan laughed and reached over to weave her fingers through his.

"Is everything okay with the…other stuff?" she asked, pointing her head towards Dante.

"Oh, yeah. My lawyer will contact hers and they’ll meet over at her house in the morning to get the papers signed. Apparently, she called her lawyer right after I left to give up all rights to my boy," J said with disgust.

It amazed Susan how dumb Evy was to give up her own flesh and blood, especially this little boy. She looked back at Dante and tickled his belly. "Don’t worry, baby boy, I won’t let you miss her," she cooed. He smiled at her, dimples flashing on both chunky cheeks. Jordan never felt so lucky. He looked over at her.

"Suz, I love you. Thank you for being…for being…well, just for being. You’ve given me hope for the future and mankind in general. I love you, I really do," he blurted out.

She gasped and stared at him. He said, "You don’t have to repeat it. I just wanted you to know. I’ve known for a while, but I really just wanted you to know."

She kept staring at him when Dante chimed in, "Dante love Susie, Dante love Susie…" and laughed. Jordan and Susan both laughed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks while she laughed. "I love you, too, little precious Dante…and daddy, too," she said tentatively. Jordan could feel his eyes mist. He just smiled and held her hand tighter. They drove on until they got to Marlene’s house. Dante was so smart, that he recognized where he was and shouted, "Nanny! Nanny!" and bounced up and down in his car seat. Marlene had seen them drive up, and came out to greet them.

"Where’s my little man?" she asked.

"Right here, ma," Jordan said, giving her a big bear hug.

Everyone laughed and Dante exclaimed, "No! Me, me, me!" Marlene swept Dante up and loved on him. Then she turned around and gave Susan a big kiss on the cheek.

"So you’re the little gem that caught my son’s heart. You’re even more pretty in person," Marlene observed.

"Thank you," Susan said shyly.

"Well, come on in, come on in. Jon’s been waiting to meet you. Heck, the whole family has, but only Jon and Sharon are home."

They all walked inside, where Jon and Sharon were waiting. Everyone was introduced. Susan seemed to fit in better than J! He felt euphoric. But that feeling didn’t last long. Marlene put Dante in the playroom at Jordan’s request. She, Jon, and Sharon sensed that something was wrong.

"It’s Evelyn," Jordan spat.

All three of his family members got a disgusted and sour face. Jordan explained the whole situation. Marlene looked furious.

"Good," she said angrily. "She doesn’t deserve angels like my son and grandson in her life."

Everyone nodded in agreement. After that, the fun started up again as everyone got to know Susan. They were all enchanted by her humor and charm. Marlene told them to stay for dinner. They accepted. When everyone sat down to have their meal, Dante insisted that he sit next to Susan. Jordan and his family watched in amazement as Dante let her feed him and wipe his little rosebud mouth, and kiss all over him. After he was full, he climbed onto Susan’s lap and put her face between his hands and planted a big sloppy kiss on her lips. "Dante love Susie!" he exclaimed. Susan laughed and returned it with, "Susie loves Dante!" They both laughed and Susan realized everyone at the table was gaping at them. She blushed and said quickly, "I love kids, and this one has me whipped."

Everyone laughed. Marlene thanked God for Jordan finally finding someone so perfect. The rest of the night was all fun and stories. When they left, Marlene pulled Jordan aside and said, "If you don’t keep her and marry her, I will. She needs to be a Knight."

"Ew, mom! That’s sick! Of course. I plan to follow her around until the day I die," Jordan explained. Marlene nodded and said, "Good, boy. Good."

In the car, Jordan told Susan she was a hit.

The weeks went by, and Dante and Susan got closer and closer. A lot of times, he stayed over at her house, and he would have a ball with Uncle Joey and aunt Nomy. He was Jordan’s and her little joy. Evelyn had signed the papers immediately, and moved to California to try and look for another famous person to ruin. The sad thing was, that Dante didn’t ask for her once. It was like Evy didn’t exist. One night, Susan and Dante were home and waiting for daddy to come home from a meeting with some record execs. A little bit after 6 in the evening, he came through the door with roses for her and a new toy for the baby. He looked and saw Dante sleeping in Susan’s arms on the sofa while she watched TV. Shane had his head on her legs and was asleep, too.

"Well, ain’t this a sight?" he quietly teased. Shane looked up and wandered over to him for a pat on the head.

"Hi, daddy," Susan whispered, careful not to wait the baby.

"Hi, mommy," he whispered back. He put the flowers down in front of her and kissed her hello. "Awww…how sweet! Flowers for me?" she asked.

"Sure, thing, baby," he replied. "Oh yeah, you have an appointment with ‘N Sync in two days. They want to meet for lunch. Is 1:30 okay for you?"

"Are you serious?!?! Hell, yeah, 1:30’s okay!" She couldn’t believe it! She loved the way they danced and had so many ideas for them and their style. She couldn’t wait.

Jordan was looking at her with fire in his eyes. She got lost in them. They hadn’t made love yet. But she knew that it was time. She carefully carried the sleeping Dante to his room and laid him down in his bed. She put the gate up so he couldn’t fall out. She stared at him sleeping. Jordan walked into the room and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"If people saw you and him together, they’d never believe that he wasn’t yours. You have such unconditional love. You treat him like he’s yours. How are you so wonderful?" he wondered. She turned around and put her arms around his neck. Gazing into his eyes, she answered, "Cuz in my eyes, he is mine. And I love him unconditionally because I love his daddy unconditionally. And I’m wonderful because you bring out the best in me…daddy."

He took in a sharp intake of air, and picked her up. He carried her into the master suite, and locked the door. He had an incoming intercom from Dante’s room, so they’d hear if he woke up, but the baby couldn’t hear them. He set Susan down gently and started to kiss her passionately. She moaned into his mouth when he slipped his hands up her shirt. He could feel how she quivered. She nuzzled his neck and licked his ear. She reached under and took off his shirt. She ran her hands down his rippling back. He tore at her shirt and bra as the heat got turned up. "I love you, baby," he said, looking into her eyes.

"I love you, too," she whispered.

Jordan walked over to the stereo and put on a CD he mixed for whenever he thought about Susan. The first song was "Last night" by Az Yet. He walked back over to her, with his eyes fixed on her. She could feel her heart start to race even faster. He gently laid her on the bed and lay on top of her. She ran her hands down his back and lightly over his butt. He shivered at her soft touch. He wanted to feel and taste every part of her. He kissed her neck and moved down to her breasts. He gently teased her nipples while his hands worked her jeans off. He kept kissing down her stomach. When he to her waist, he peeled her jeans and black g-string off with his teeth. They never broke eye contact. She kept moaning and calling out his name. He loved and savored the way she touched him. He kissed and sucked on her toes until she was writhing with desire. Then he moved up to her most private place, a place she had never let anyone else kiss. She felt as his luscious lips parted and licked her long and deep. She gasped and flinched. He held her down and plunged his long hot tongue into her and tasted how sweet and delicious she was. She moaned out his name and grinded her hips to the perfect motion he provided. He covered her throbbing clit with his whole mouth, and sucked until he felt her whole body clamp up. He kept going, faster and faster until he felt her shudder and scream out to him. He lapped up her juices like a man that hadn't had water in days. He didn't miss a drop. Her breathing was ragged and coarse from the effects of her powerful orgasm. He moved up and tenderly kissed her neck and face. She smiled and begged him to be inside her. He gently spread her legs again and placed himself between them. She took the initiative and lifted her hips. When he entered her, she gasped at the size of him. He filled her beyond capacity. He slowly started to grind in a circular motion. Susan felt herself floating outside herself. The experience was unreal and wonderful. She stopped him in the middle and rolled over on top of him. She rode him gently at first, but started getting rougher as she felt herself start to come again. He was on the edge himself. Then, Jordan felt himself come in a way that he'd never come before. She came at the same time, and they held onto each other for dear life. Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms and whispered promises of eternal love to each other. They both fell asleep just as the rain started to fall. Around midnight, Susan got up to check on Dante. It was raining hard, and didn't want him to be scared. She saw that he was sleeping contentedly. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. She then went back to the bedroom and turned on the TV quietly. Jordan stirred a little while later and turned to her.

"Hey, baby. You up?" he asked.

"Yeah...I wanted to check on the baby," she told him.

He smiled. "Should I feel jealous that my boy gets all the love?" Jordan teased.

Susan smiled wickedly. "Oh, I saved some for you, daddy dear." She clicked off the TV and dove under the blankets. The beating rain and gently rumbling thunder made her romantic side burn with heat. She took Jordan's huge manhood in her mouth and savored every inch. She wanted him so badly. She had never felt fire like this. They made love again to the rhythm of the rain and fell asleep.

Naiomy and Joe were thrilled to hear that Susan and Jordan were so happy. They were doing spectacular themselves. Joe thanked Jordan over and over again. Everything seemed to be running on track.

A couple of days later, Susan was up early and preparing for her meeting with the guys from 'N Sync. Jordan told her that he was going to drop off Dante at grandma's, and come hang out and see her in action at around 3:00. He couldn't stand to be without her for more than a couple of hours.

He dropped her off at the diner at 1:20. Right at 1:30, Justin, JC, Joey, Chris, and Lance walked in. They all hugged and introduced themselves. Then, Susan brought out all her ideas, and the business lunch was in full swing.

JC gazed at Susan with obvious lust in his eyes. She was so beautiful to him. He'd give anything to be next to her. Justin saw what his friend was thinking and told him to lay off...Susan was with Jordan. JC and Jordan were pretty close, but he couldn't help longing after his woman. After the initial concepts and ideas were exchanged, they moved the meeting to a dance room that Susan had rented out to test out ideas. JC cornered her and asked for her telephone number.

"I'm sorry, but I'm already spoken for. You should know that. It's all over all the tabloids and magazines that Jordan and I are very much together and in love," Susan informed.

But JC was entranced with her and ignored what she told him. He was telling her how beautiful she was and how much he wanted to be with her, when Jordan, Joe and Naiomy walked in. The first thing everyone saw was JC leaning up close to Susan, and Susan leaning away with an annoyed look on her face. Naiomy marched right up and shoved JC aside.

"Watch it, Chavez. Don't crowd her," she warned.

"What the fuck...?" JC glared at Naiomy and caught Jordan and Joe standing there, ready to kick his ass. Justin ran over and saw what was going on. He shoved JC and yelled, "Didn't I tell you she was taken? Not every girl is a fucking groupie, JC. Get off your high horse, man!"

J.C. looked guilty and apologized. "I am truly sorry, but there is just something about her..."

Susan rolled her eyes and sauntered over to J and Joe, where they both put protective arms over her shoulders. "Yo, JC, you're real cool with us, but I want you out of her face, man," Joe warned.

Jordan's face was crimson, and he had to walk outside and have a cigarette. Susan followed him. "You ok, baby?" she asked.

"NO! I don't want you in this project, Suz. I will kill someone if I ever see them remotely close to you!"

"I understand, baby, but you know that shit happens once in a blue moon. You go through it, too...with aggressive fans and with aggressive divas that you perform or work with. I can handle it," she assured.

"I DON'T CARE! I never wanna see a man that close to you again," he yelled in frustration.

"Will you chill out, please," Susan hissed. "This is not professional. JC knew he was out of line. What is your problem? I had 4 other guys here that had my back, and even if they didn't, I can hold my own, Jordan."

"Did you even bother telling him you were my girl?" Jordan asked.

That is when Susan lost her temper. "What the fuck do you mean? Of course I told him! And even if I weren’t with you, I’d demand respect and be treated like a lady, not some chick! Why are you being like this? Do you think I particularly like the fact that you are surrounded by the most beautiful women in show business? Do you think that I don’t know how many gorgeous girls out there idolize you? You don’t think I know that there are some fans out there that throw themselves at you? Well, I do! And do I get all pissy? NO! Wanna know why? Because I trust you. And I trust that you can handle any situation because you’re true to me. Thanks for the same confidence," she said sarcastically, and stormed off.

"Wait! Baby…please…hold on," Jordan called out, feeling like an asshole.

Susan walked back into the studio. Joe came over and put his arm around her while Naiomy played with her hair.

"Okay, guys, let’s get to work, shall we? JC, no hard feelings, right? Let’s keep this professional. I think you 5 are amazing performers, and it’s very flattering you picked me to help you. I still plan to do my best and hook you guys up, alright?" she explained.

Everyone nodded and glared at JC. JC looked humbled, but still couldn’t keep his feelings at bay. J walked back into the studio. Susan didn’t even glance in his direction. She was a stickler for professionalism. They all went over some moves and concepts for the shows. J, Naiomy and Joe stuck around for about an hour, and then Joe wanted to leave. Susan waved to them and told Naiomy to call her later. She should be done soon. Jordan looked miserable as he walked out, running his hands through his hair.

"You alright, sweetie?" asked Naiomy.

"No…I shouldn’t have been such a prick to her. She didn’t have anything to do with JC hitting on her. But it’s weird. I saw red. I don’t know what held me back from slaughtering that guy. She accused me of not trusting her, and that’s not true! She made the point of all the women and fans that I work with and deal with, and she…hates me right now," he said, sounding defeated.

"She doesn’t hate you. She could never hate you. She’s just pissed. She’ll cool off. You know how independent she is…let her chill for a little bit," she advised, giving J a big hug.

"Thanks, guys," Jordan said.

"No problem, bro. We love you, you know that," Joe told him.

Naiomy and Joe left, and Jordan got into his car to wait for Susan. He rolled down the window, lit a cigarette, and leaned his head back. He saw flashes of her image when he closed his eyes. He smiled at the visions of her smile, the way she danced, the intent way she had of gazing at him, the way she was with Dante, the way she smelled, the way she tasted…

He flicked his cigarette out and put his head in his hands. He felt a cool hand on his neck. He knew that touch so well. Without looking up, he reached for her hand and apologized.

"It’s not that I don’t trust you, baby. I just don’t like anyone else near you if it’s not me," he explained. "I know I sound like an obsessed fool, but…if the shoe fits, wear it."

Susan smiled and leaned down to kiss the spot her hand was on. "That’s ok, babe. I guess I would have been the same way if I walked into a room and saw some girl doing that to you. Let’s never fight again, ok?"

He jumped out of the car and grabbed her in a hug. He breathed in the scent of her hair and leaned down to crush her mouth with a kiss. She laughed into his mouth, and curled her fingers in his hair the way only she could. When they separated, they saw the guys standing there with big smiles on their faces. JC walked up and held out his hand to J. "Listen, man. I’m really sorry. I was an asshole. I didn’t mean to disrespect your girl and you. The guys are just waiting to get me alone to bust my ass, but I couldn’t leave without telling you how sorry I am."

Jordan took his handshake. Both him and Susan smiled and told him that he was forgiven. JC looked at Susan one last time.

"Yo, J. you got yourself the best girl in the world. Hell, I almost killed a business deal and your friendship cuz how great she is. She’s all about you, man. You’re the only one she breathes for…you and Dante. You’re a lucky man."

"Thanks, man. I know. I’ve been more than blessed," Jordan said, pulling her close to his side. JC cast one more wistful glance at her and they all left, telling Susan that their manager will be calling her for the final details of things.

The couple picked up Dante and headed home. On the way, Susan’s cell phone rang.

"Hey, girl. Everything ok?" asked Naiomy.

"Yeah…everything’s all better. I got my two favorite men sitting with me in the car. What more could I ask for?" Susan said.

Naiomy laughed. "Good. J was pretty tore up. But on a lighter note, I have some great news! Joe and I are moving in together!" she squealed.

Susan screamed and laughed, overjoyed for them. "That’s great! Is he moving into our house?"

"Yeah, but only if that’s okay with you," Naiomy told her.

"What the hell are you talking about? Of course it’s ok!" Susan scolded.

"Thanks, you’re the best. I’ll see you when you guys get here," Naiomy sang.

"Alright, hon. See you soon."

Susan told J the good news. J was really happy for them. They pulled into the driveway of Susan, Naiomy, and now Joe’s house. Dante was in the back, and Susan reached in to get him. He laughed and held his arms out to her.

"Mommy…up…up…Dante want up, Mommy," Dante called out.

Susan felt her legs go weak. She sank down and sat on the doorframe to the car, staring at Dante with wide eyes.

"What did you say, precious?" she whispered. Jordan was standing there with tears in his eyes.

Dante laughed and said, "Dante love Susie. Susie Dante’s mommy. Will you be my mommy?"

Susan tore him away from the car seat, picked him up, and swung him around, laughing and crying hysterically at the same time. Her heart had never been this complete…ever. She fell to the grass with him still in her arms. She bombarded his fat little cheeks with kisses. "Yes, yes, yes! I’ll be your mommy!"

Dante was squealing and laughing so hard, his little body shook. Jordan just stood there, smiling, tears dripping off his chin. Naiomy and Joe heard the commotion and came outside.

Aunt Nomy! Uncle Joey! This is my mommy!" Dante yelled out, pointing at Susan. "She’s MY mommy! Mommy, mommy, mommy!"

Joe picked him up and kissed his round cheek. Naiomy burst into tears and hugged Susan. Joe looked at his best friend and they smiled at each other. After being silent the whole time, Jordan stepped up to Susan and put his arms around her.

"That little boy has the biggest mouth! He ruined my surprise," Jordan teased.

"You knew he was going to call me mommy?" inquired Susan.

"He’s been calling you that around me for a while now. But he didn’t follow the script" he explained.

"Script?" everyone said.

"Yeah! I told him to wait until daddy said ‘Susan, you’re my love, my life, every breath that I take. Will you marry me.’"

Susan’s head jerked up, and Naiomy started bawling. Joe walked over to her with Dante still in his arms and they hugged Naiomy close.

"Come again? What…what did you just…?" Susan was weak.

"Marry me. Be my wife, Dante’s mommy, our world," Jordan said huskily, the tears starting up again. He got on one knee and produced a beautiful one-carat diamond ring with 3 stones representing his, Dante’s and Susan’s birthstones surrounding the diamond. All Susan could do was cry and nod.

"Say yes, baby. I wanna hear you say it."

"Yes, Jordan, yes," Susan choked out.

Everyone was crying, except Dante, who was babbling happy baby talk. Jordan and Susan kissed tenderly. Dante laughed to see them do that. He put his hands over his eyes, and peeked out. Susan told everyone to hold on. She ran to the car to get her purse out. She dug through it, found what she was looking for, and ran back. They rest of the group looked at each other in confusion. Susan ran back up, and handed J a velvet jewelry box.

"What’s this?" he asked.

"It’s something that I found the other day. The second I laid eyes on it, it told me the ending to the lifelong story I couldn’t finish."

Naiomy, who knew her best friend better than she knew herself, immediately got what Susan meant, and a fresh wave of tears started.

"Jordan, this is the gift that I wanted to share with you in front of our little family here. I couldn’t figure out when to give it to you, but now is perfect."

He opened the box to find a beautiful platinum necklace charm. It was a 2-part charm, split in half, of an open book. The book had tiny writings of scripture on it. It was cut in a jagged line, meant for two people to share. On the back, she had inscribed, "You complete me."

Jordan gasped and whispered, "Your missing piece."

"Yes, baby. I’ve been going through hell with my heart telling me something was missing in my life…something big, huge. Now I’ve found it. It was always you, baby, wasn’t it? You’re it! You and Dante…my missing piece. And thank God, I’ve found it."

All four best friends all collapsed into each other for a big group hug, crying their eyes out from the sheer miracle of it all, while little Dante ran around them in circles laughing and saying, "Dante loves mommy and daddy!" over and over again.


The End.