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What Are Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings?


Alcoholics Anonymous is established in approximately 146 countries. The people in each group get together, usually once or twice a week, to hold A.A. meetings, of two main types:
  1. At "open meetings" speakers tell how they drank, how they discovered A.A., and how the program helped them. Members may bring relatives or friends, and usually anyone interested in A.A. is also welcome to attend "open meetings."
  2. "Closed meeting" are for alcoholics only. These are group discussions, and any member who wants to may speak up, to ask questions and to share their thoughts with fellow members. At "closed meetings," A.A.'s can get help with personal problems in staying sober and in everyday living. Some other A.A.'s can explain how they have handled the same problems - often by using one or more of the Twelve Steps.