Danielle Haver's Home Page!!!!
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Danielle Haver's Home Page!!!!

what I do on a rainy day, (Ha)

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Danielle Haver's home Page Hi! How are all you net browsers tonight, Today, this afternoon? I am great. Here is a little about myself: I am 19 years old and I live in Kent Ohio, (currently) I go to school at Kent state University, I am a freshman , and also a Music education major. I would like to minor in Spanish , or in television broadcasting. I am not quite sure on my minor yet. I have long curly red hair, blue eyes, and am 5'11 and 1/2. I have a very cute boyfriend named Joe. He has brown hair, and blue eyes, and is around 5'11. He is very active in Tae Kwon Doe, and he could be a pro in chess. (very interesting) Hello, I am also going to tell you about my roommate Tiffany, She is 5'0" and she is very cool, she is currently majoring in early childhood education. she would like to someday teach at an elementary school, or preschool. She has brown hair, and she is in love with this guy seth. He is a dick. He never calls and she really likes him but she is willing to find other guys and date so all I am asking folks, If you are interested in the lovely Tiffany Begg, email me at dhaver@kent.edu, and the subject would be I am hot for Tiffany. Thank you. Ok now on to the rest of my speil. I think I spelled that wrong but who cares. Anyways, I am still in love with the ever sexy Joseph Burkhart. HEres an update. Joe was playing in a big tournmant with his father in this bar and got second place to his dad. Congratulations JOE!!!! I love him. Happy Birthday Stan!!!!
I have 1 brother -- his name is Brent, he is 6'2, very muscular, nice looking, single (all of you ladies would love him!). He is very nice. (Trying to get him a woman!) He is 21. My mom's name is Rise and my dad's name is Wesley. They are cool, and Joe's mom and dad's names are Sherry and Stan. Sherry is probably on the computer right now! HI SHERRY! and stan is a very active pool player. He is captain on his team, and he is also very good. Joe is also a very good pool player! I LOVE JOE!!! Joe and I have been going out for 8 months, and we will get married someday, if his parents approve, and also if he doesnt dump me by then!!! Ha HA HA!! Anyways, Well, If you would like any information, about Kent State Bands, or Kent State , Please Email Me! I would be more than happy to email you back! Love Danielle!!!!! Oh, wait I am not done yet. I forgot to tell you I also play French horn, and if anywone would like to email me it would be greatly appreciated. Oh, well. So, how about you all just do that? GOOD LOVE YOU DANIELLE

Email: dhaver@kent.edu