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Members Comments


If any Eagle member gets near Brimfield, Ohio.  Come on in and see for yourself that we live up to our reputation.  We are very friendly people.

Stanley M, Jastrab
F.O.E. 4371

Thoughts of a wonderful thing  

As a charter member of Brimfield Eagles I can say that because of everyone who was so determined to bring a new Eagles club to district #11 and after a year and nine months of hard work and dedication our doors finally opened. And then five more years to follow, dedication of a handful of members who pulled together and were determined to keep Eagledome in Brimfield. We cannot loose sight of the hard work, participation or the dedication our Brothers and Sisters put forth to keep our club open. You as a member make our club succeed and without your participation we cannot continue to be a part of Brimfield. We should not say goodbye to somthing we have spent seven years to create.                                                                                       



Past Madam President

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