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Sunday Morning Sunrise

Beauty of a Summer Sunday sunrise
Shows dew on the petals of the Rose
Beautiful are the flowers in my garden
An aroma that is pleasing to my nose

Butterflies with many colorful designs
Flirt with lovely blooms growing there
As the Sun rises up in the Eastern sky
This mornings air is so fresh and clear

I watch the birds search for their food
Some they will take back to their nest
To feed the young just hatched babies
Then they will themselves eat the rest

As the old clock nears the hour of Ten
Cars begin to fill up the new Church lot
We are thankful for the air conditioning
That old church was so crowded and hot

Sundays are very special to most people
Friends come to worship along with them
There they thank God for all His blessings
Their cup of joy is then filled up to the brim

End Of The Day

In the quietness of the days end
Darkness settles upon our land
Tired men relax from hard work
Proof the blisters on their hand

A night to unwind from the day
Will regenerate his weary bones
As he sits out on the porch swing
His favorite Case knife he hones

He hears singing of the crickets
As the night air has started to cool
It is quiet inside his house tonight
Kids are getting lessons for school

All too soon his night comes to end
It is time to get a good nights sleep
Tomorrow brings another days work
Together a loving family he will keep

Look To The Future

I wish I could retrace those steps
Back to that youth I once knew
When life was so free and easy
Evil was then know only by few

So trusting few locks were used
Most people was genuine and real
Of course everyone was dirt poor
So there was not much to steal

Always helping in emergencies
Together united we would stand
We all loved Old Glory back then
Everyone thought she was grand

Too bad those times no longer exist
Our world seems like a different place
Sadness seems to follow so many
Do they think they have lost the race

Thankfully we can look in the future
A light of promise He has given you
Follow that light and find happiness
In His Kingdom thats perfect and true

Past And Future

If we only look toward the future
Should we forget about the past
It is in the future we can change
But yesterdays will eternally last

We can correct mistakes we make
But only for the future and today
For things said and done in haste
Are the things that we must repay

If an eraser could take back time
Change all words unkindly said
Bring back that friendship we lost
One we thought was surely dead

If we could only look to the future
Would we make these errors today
If only kindness is within your heart
You wont have to worry what you say

Only One

We will walk not alone
For He is always near
Speak not to the wind
Know He will ever hear

A voice from the night
Will never go unheard
He listens to everyone
He hears every word

Speak and He listens
Listen and He will tell
You can join with him
Beside Him all is well

Feel the love He has
Return it and then find
A home waits for you
Only one of its kind

It's His Love

It's His love we all should cherish
It gives a feeling beyond compare
It energizes our body our very soul
His love will follow us everywhere

In the depth of sorrow and sadness
His love will always see us through
Lifting our strength and endurance
He will help us in everything we do

A calmness He will bring to the day
When it seems as all is going wrong
Bringing to us His sense of affection
Showing His love for us is so strong

Love Him for He surely does love you
You can tell Him any hour of the day
Tell Him of the love you have for Him
Everytime you bow your head to pray

He Died A Hero

I guess almost everyone in the town knew him
He was a football star with a future in the pros
His ready smile was always there to greet you
We knew he would be great anywhere he goes

His love of country meant so very much to him
His football career he would have to put on hold
There was this war and he knew he was needed
His patriotism as was bright as shinning gold

To a recruiting office he would go that day
Feeling duty for his great country was due
As a Ranger he knew he would serve well
After serving a tour he might then go for two

Everyone in town turned out to his funeral
A flag draped coffin had brought him back
He was serving our country with great honor
When he died fighting the enemy over in Iraq

Some think friendly fire was what killed him
I guess that is something we will never know
His life he gave in that hellhole that sad day
So many now wonder why did he have to go

Scioto County Fair

Walking down the crowded midway
Music plays from a merry-go-round
With the stands selling cold drinks
Paper cups are littering the ground

A happy day will be had by children
Riding the Ferris wheel will bring joy
Judging is going on in the stock barn
A Blue Ribbon will go to a girl or boy

With cotton candy so pink and fluffy
We watch as a fine web it does spin
A demolition derby is out on the track
We wonder which old junker will win

So many people will be gathering today
Our friends we will see as we are there
An event that is seen only once a year
Here it is called the Scioto County Fair


On this clear night in the summertime
There is something special this night
No moon can we see to light the sky
Some nights it will shine quite bright

Look to the stars up there in the sky
A brilliant array of lights we can see
Many millions of miles away they are
Still they are seen by others like me

Some look at them with a telescope
Made with lenses that enlarge them
They are always looking for new stars
Although their chances are very slim

Did He put then there to entertain us
As a wink we can see now and then
I smile as I think of what He has done
You know that it just could have been

He Knows

A Red glow is behind the Eastern hill
Another Sunday has come to our life
So quiet is this perfect early morning
We will see another day free of strife

Sitting alone I feel His presence here
A serene sense comes into my mind
I sit by the Almighty King of Heaven
He who heals the sick and the blind

What a blessing He has given to me
For today I have regained my health
After days of lying there in sickness
Granting me much more than wealth

On this day of worship we praise Him
Telling of how our love for Him grows
I smile as I tell Him of these feelings
For in His infinite wisdom He knows

copyright © 2006 By Acie

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