Name: Brendyn Alexander

Occupation: Student at Groton High School

Interests: Web page design, soccer, IRC, volleyball (hell yeah tina), media, mp3's and fun stuff

Project(s): I'm currently designing a web page for my computer II class and I'm getting involved with some of my internet buddies in a company where I'll be assistant webmaster. Hoping for more but we'll see.

Friends: Tina (chuckles), Erin (pointless babble or chuck), Angela (sloth), Dan, Chris, Kari, Lynne, Vickie...and more...

Future Plans: I'm trying out for the Groton play Pride and Prejudice this coming monday (the 14th for those of you without a calendar) and I'm hoping to get the part of Fitzwilliam Darcy. But we'll see.

Messages: Tina, we kick ass at volleyball. I wonder if anyone will find this? We shall see. If you find this and are looking at it, congratulations. You've reached the place of no return and will never be able to get back to where you came from. I'm deeply sorry for this but it's the way it has to be.