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 Turning Two
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 Difficult Decision
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Brown the warrior is all smiles

After playing for the offensively challenged Dodgers, Kevin Brown now finds himself on the offensively charged Yankees. Maybe that could explain his smile.
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Here's the pitch...-ESPN

Kevin Brown begins every day with a quick test of his lower back, looking for the answer to a single, compelling question: Does it hurt? A bend, a stretch, a twist-and-turn is usually all it takes for Brown to know the surgically-repaired disks are intact. He's more than a year removed from what could've been a career-ending injury and reports "the worst is over." Such news allows the Yankees to exhale slowly, considering they're relying so heavily on a pitcher who's on a full-time health watch. For all the firepower on offense, manager Joe Torre says, "we're not going to win without pitching."

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Giambi lightens up-ESPN

First baseman Jason Giambi is noticeably leaner this spring, the result of better eating habits and hard workouts. Giambi lost four pounds during the offseason, down to 228, by cutting back on fast foods and doing extensive rehab from knee surgery. His chest, biceps and legs appear smaller -- enough so that many people did a double take when they first saw him walk through the clubhouse. "My weight is almost exactly the same," he said Feb. 23. "Just cleaning it up and losing some of that excess body fat I had." Giambi emphasized one other thing: Steroids had never been a part of his diet.
Cup of Joe-ESPN

Manager Joe Torre, who is in the final season of his contract, has talked to owner George Steinbrenner about an extension. "We just discussed it," Torre said Feb. 25. "I don't feel I'm ready to talk about it at this point. It was never any negotiations involved." A strained relationship developed last season between the two, prompting speculation that 2003 would be Torre's final year with the Yankees. But the mood has become more upbeat lately. "Our relationship has certainly gotten a lot healthier since I've gotten down here," said Torre. "I think we both want the relationship to be good. It was good for more than the time it wasn't good."

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