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When Your World Is Torn Apart



Carrie Miller relished the idea of relaxing after a demanding day.But before she even switched gears, her five-year-old daughter, Savannah, was begging her to read aloud a story. How could she say no?


But Miller thought she could buy a few moments to herself. From a magazine, she tore a picture of the world into pieces and gave them to Savannah - asking her to reassemble the picture before they read a story together.


A short while later - much sooner than Miller had anticipated, her daughter returned with the picture of the world accurately pieced together. Miller asked how she did it so quickly. Savannah explained that she'd found a picture of a little girl on the reverse side of the page, and "When I got the little girl together, the whole world came together."


The little girl had started with what she could recognize and understand and worked outward from there. Not a bad way for anyone to get their world together. How many of our problems could we solve if we just took a look at them from the "other side."
~J. David Miller




"The Twinkle In Your Eyes" copyright © 2000  Bruce DeBoer
Used with permission of the composer