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             "My Life With Long Nails

                        "Shelly Ann! "






        Hi, I'm Shelly Ann! I want to introduce you to My Long Nails. I have a very long interesting story to tell about "My Life With Long Nails". This Web Site is very people friendly. Please do not expect to see anything Vulgar, Off Color, Sexual related or Pornographic. This is a Documentary of My Life with long Fingernails. I want all to be interested in this unique talent I have become more than an expert in perfecting.

       That is, "GROWING MY FINGERNAILS LONG AS POSSIBLE"! I want men, Women, and Children world wide to become acquainted and familiarized with We Individuals that take SERIOUS Pride in Growing Our Fingernails.


   I have been growing these nails since I was 15 years old. Now , I can honestly say thy have truly grown with me. they have been a faithful, attention getting companion that I have also grown to Love, Care for, Worship, Adore and Protect , more than they can protect me! 


       I want to educate all of you who have either Never seen, or , are quite familiar with seeing nails like mine. I know there are many Fingernails, Long Toenails , High Heel Fetish lovers in the World. I hope that this web site helps broaden your knowledge of the why's, how's, and all other attitudes people develop when they are totally shocked by the appearance of Such Fascinating, Exotic looking Fingernails.

    I hope to be able to have links to other web sites of women in the world from various cultures on this page for you to learn and have your Queries about Long Nails answered. I am also in the process of making a G Rated Video regarding My Life with Long Nails. I plan to make this video a Historical Documentary for My Children to know their Mother had Nails Grow So Long! I Love having Them This Long,. I will explain many things about my Long Nails in My Video. My Video will be available by End of March. 

                                   The Cost will be 25.00USD.


                                            " My Right Hand "


       I will only accept Money Orders .All videos are VHS Format, 1hr-1hr 1/2. I will be contacting The Various Long Nail Groups and Start promoting My web Site. My present Videographer Is Tony Rankin. Many of you may know of his videos of "Melissa"," Mona", "Queen Virginia", "Thai Honey's", "Rita Rips", "Carol Claws", and "Dark Nails" web sites and Videos.


                                    "Yes, I Can Close My Hand Into a fist"!

    I hope to Be able to Get me a computer and Internet service so I can meet you future and soon to be dedicated fans of my Fingernails. I admire an individual who is able to approach someone with extremely long fingernails, and express their admiration and respect for the Nail Grower. I thank all my friends who have grown with me and my nails. I know they have tolerated me and my nails for some time,                      


                                                                    THANKS WITH LOVE!

    I have not met Dave Cutter yet, But I hear he deserves much credit for bringing Long Nailed women to the World of more than Uniqueness, but to The Fashion and Fetish world also. 




 This is my Right Thumb Nail. I don't Know How Long It is, Can You Guess?


         Trust Me................They Are Very Strong ! If I were to Hit you with Them, It would Feel Like You are getting Clubbed. I DO NOT SCRATCH WITH THEM ! 

                           But I Can If I Needed To!



    I hope that you Enjoy My Web Site and some of the Pictures I will be adding to it. I am also glad to get My nails onto he Internet and Maybe More people will begin to contact me about how to grow their Nails like I do. I Live in New York City and I work on a job where I must type and /or use a keyboard of some sort.

   I would Like to pursue being a model either for my Nails or for me as an individual. I know there are many photographers out there that may find my nails interesting as a photographic subject. If so, I am interested in talking to you and setting up a meeting in a public place in the city.



    I often Laugh at some of the reactions I get from people when They See My      Nails for the first time.