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Survive Finals
Go home after finals
Finish my ACS2 project
Update this site
Eat some pie (done)
Find Bra... I'm decently sure it's not mine...
Find pants... still not done.
Pay Andrew all the money i've borrowed. i think that's about 50 kajillion dollars. Crud.
NOT fail any classes.

That's about it


Yeah, so here i am. at the end of second quarter at RIT. So much has happened since my last post, right before i came here. I broke up with Laura, Mada lot of friends here. did some other stuff. Next year, i'm either going to be an RA or i'm rooming with neko-neko. either way it should work fine. so it seems that i'm pulling an all-nighter for the second time this week. Though this time it was because i was on the phone with Jenny for 6 hours or so. i'm gonna head to calc and then go to sleep most likely. then i'll wake up just in time for my Physics quiz. the last one of the quarter. this quiz comes right after i beat the living crap outta the last physics test yesterday. ah the wonderfulness. oh yeah, Lunacon is in about 4 weeks. all should ph33r. I can't wait. Recently, i've missed all my friends, so this is a good way for me to see them all again because my break does not coincide at all with theirs. and now i go to breakfast. i migh tupdate more later.

It's the "OH MY GOD, IT'S AN UPDATE!!" update

Hey Kids!! It's that time of year again, Kids are going to college. I'm going to college for the first time and i'm packing my ass off. I've got no idea what to pack, so i'm packing everything I own (except the kitchen sink). I had a minor crisis the other day when ic ouldn't find my winter clothes. But now i'm laying out my winter clothes and wishing i was gone, going home... they were hidden in my closet on the top shelf away from EVERYTHING. I packed all my clothes. 10 short sleeve shirts, 7 long-sleeved shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of jeans (one has a hole), 12 pairs of socks, and various other things. i packed all my Ender books and all my Robert Jordan. I took all my Pratchett except Small Gods, which is signed. Yep folks, it's getting to be official. many people are getting to college, i can feel myself being drawn in. I'm leaving on wednesday of this week. 2 days from now, well, 3 if you count wednesday. I'm going to miss everyone so much. I love you all. Keep in touch.


Please don't ask what the title means. i have no idea why i put i as the ttele. Currently i'm updating this from Julia's house. She's running a slow connection so i tmay take a while to update. in case you haven't been reading my livejournal, here's an update on my past few days.

I'm deleriously happy. Not much i can think of can spoil my mood. I've been lucky enough to find someoe who is willing to go to prom with me. I really like her. We have the ability to talk about anything and everthing, and we frequently do. Hours of conversation are not uncommon.

yeah, so i'm at julia's now. I should probably get back to the people who are here now. i'll try to update more frequently.

Who are you?

I have no idea what i'm posting right now. It's close to midnight on march 23rd. Happy birthday Erica. I'm sorry i wasn't able to go to the party. Oh well, i'll be at Kinokuniya on tuesday. That should be fun. Maybe. whatever. Hmm. What am i gonna do? I have no idea how i'm gonna come up with another 4 pages on my abramsky paper. Oh well. It'll happen. somehow.


Tomorrow is the day. The day i go to my first con. I think i'm gonna go crazy waiting! Unfortunately, i have to survive tomorrow first. This means 2 (TWO) things. I have to
a) Do my Japanese composition tonight
b) Make sure i don't fail my American History Tests by Abramsky
and c) Finish my Senior Thesis proposal.
If i can get all of that done, i'm gold. Wish me luck. Strength also. I hope i have the courage to ask her to dance with me.


(read "College")

Carnegie Mellon Basically, I have a 10% chance of getting into their computer science program based on my grades and the community service and extra curriculars I did (not) do. Granger goes there and so do a bunch of other friends. Hopefully they accept me, but that brings me to my second choice...
RIT Accepted. I got the letter today in the mail. Great, i want to go there and all, but money might be an issue. Anyway, Mike and Flynn go there so it's pretty much my first choice school. Now the only decision is whether or not to apply for honors...
coming soon... Binghamton and Stony Brook

Random Acts of Poetry

I write some random poetry sometimes. Sometimes it's good, many times it's not. I'm rather proud of this one. Yes, i know Sting has a song by the same name, but i had never heard it when i wrote the poem. I woke up at 3AM with an idea in my head and i ran with it. have fun.

“Fields of Gold”

Do you see the fields of gold my dear,
Whilst in the month of May?
The flowing plains of silken wheat
Are glist'ning in the day.

To feel the breeze amidst my hair
While soaring through the sky;
Would truly be divine my dear, 
If you were close beside.

I do not hope to win your heart
While o'er the seas of green.
But when I do I'll own the skies
And all the land between.

		-‘tino (2002)


And now, in the long tradition of "Oh yeah, well, I can do that too!" and then trying to do it, I will make a table. Yes, I will admit, this is a cheep riped off idea, but I should probably learn to do this anyway.

Tino's grades!
The Class Work I did (not) do Grade I got
Donin Sat in the front, said some stuff, handed in a couple of papers. I made Warcraft 2 references constantly, Donin loved it...Oh well. The highest possible grade for the class, 99
Bierig (Medical Ethics) Must... Control... Fist of death... Gabe was in my class. Half the class wanted to kill bierig. the other half was asleep. Handed in Term paper a day late. 90
Sandler My test grades looked like this: 94, 90, 84, 82, 92, 78, Final: 84. they went sky high down. But i talked a lot in class, so that counted good. 90
Levin flavored Robotics We had one test. I got a 96. This was the first time double period Robotics was offered. Our robot didn't move. It didn't turn on. It didn't have wheels. It was wired up well. Levin is cool. 96
Helinski Well. This term sucked for japanese. I missed a few HWs and pissed off sensei. Not good. She is now mad at me. Must get back into her good graces. But... HW takes 2 hours per night. 85
Winokur Wow. This guy is the best math teacher i've ever had. I learned a lot from him and actually wanted to go to class. I did about 5 homeworks. He'd check them every once in a while and when i didn't have mine (inevitably) he didn't care because i knew what i was doing. w00t. 90
Hall (Lunch) Seeing as how the program office decided to screw me out of my classes, I was left with no chorus. So i sat in on the newly formed chamber choir during my lunch period. Much fun. Nifty
Danaher Ah, English, Shakespearean flavor. Easiest class all term. Did 0 work, gave 0 effort, got a 96 96
Average: 92.00

My Livejournal
*Mr.Cab's page is Moogleville. I yoinked the code with his permission. all rights are his. :)

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