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The Sasparilla Slingers Gang

Dis is da territory of da Sasparilla Slingers Slingshot Gang, Coney Island! Whoa! Ain't dat a mouthful? We usually just calls ourselves da Sasparilla Slingers. Welcome to "De Land o' Fun" as me father used ta say. All right, so I didn't know me father. Big deal! *shrugs* Anyway da cost is ten cents. Hahaha. Nah, just watch yer step, nevah know when a marble might come whizzing past yer ear! Especially all youse Slingshot Gang members... shadows can be yer woist enemy! *evil laugh* ***Ringer ~ leader of the Sasparilla Slingers

T'ings ta do while yer here:

Meet da members of me gang
Yeh, we'se got a few t'ings ta say about who owns what
Meet our mascot!
A little background on da Sasparilla Slingers Slingshot Gang
Great places ta visit when you're t'rough here
