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DC Comic First Appearance: Action Comic #1 (June 1938)

Costume First Appearance: Kingdom Come #1

Movie First Appearance: N/A

Superman Was Created By: Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster


A quick comment:   Back to Misc: Review M-II      Teletran-1

This is my second K.C. Superman action figure.  The first time I got him it cost me $XVI.XCIX at The Sleep Of Reason store on Nov. Xvi, Mmiii.  The figure was so defected, the stupid store had a policy no refund or exchange, and I couldn't purchase another one because all of the K.C. Superman was sold out every store.  See R-4 on Special Note for more detail on my defected K.C. Superman.  Anyhow, four months later, I was able to find a nicer K.C. Superman which I had to pay mad price for that one.  It cost me $XIX.XCIX at Toy Tokyo on Mar. V, Mmiv.



Back of Box description:

At the dawn of the 21st. century, Earth's greatest heroes have gone into retirement.  The public turns to a new breed of super hero--committed to "cleansing" society of all its criminals with methods of terror and violence, rather than salvation.


When events finally bring destructions closer to home, the recluive Superman returns from his self-imposed decade-long bring Earth's true heroes back....unknowingly setting in motion a crisis that could lead to Armageddon!.


These images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Kingdom Come Superman fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed from Internet Explorer browser.

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 K.C. Superman in its Original condition:

superkcorig.jpg (71515 bytes)1 - Here's KC Superman in its original box.

2 - Back of the box.

3 - Side of the box featuring K.C Superman on one side while wave 1 superheroes on the other side.

4 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" Kingdom Come Superman action figure.


R-2 K.C. Superman's Action Figure: 

superkcfig1.jpg (44581 bytes)Although Kingdom Come Superman isn't as impressive as the regular Superman Line Superman, he still looks exceptional.  The crotch on KC Superman looks much better than the regular Superman thanks to the no articulation pelvis.  The overall appearance from face feature to body look pretty darn good since everything is very much balance out.  The proportion is great while the paint application is good.  As for the cape, if you think the regular MA Superman cape was great, then KC Superman is even more impressive.  Read Special Note (R-4) for Negative Drawback on this figure. 


R-3 K.C. Superman Vs. Superman Line's Superman:

superkcfig2.jpg (53095 bytes)For those who aren't aware of Kingdom Come Superman, well, he represented the old age or the retiring Superman.  He is no longer in his  youth like the current Superman Line Superman.  The K.C. Superman action figure also tried to illustrate his aging by giving his gray hair, pop up vein on the hand, muscle are tone down, and he doesn't look as strong as his prime counterpart, Superman Line Superman.  Kingdom Come storyline took place in the future.  


Anyhow, here are the differences between Kingdom Come Superman and Superman Line Superman besides their aging appearance.

1, Superman has many articulations all over his body.  KC Superman only has the shoulder, wrist, head, and pelvis.

2 - The suit on Superman is more brighter than KC Superman.

3 - The "S" logo between two are different too..

4 - Superman has an "S" logo on the back of the cape, KC Superman doesn't..

5 - Superman has a yellow belt, KC Superman has a black belt with silver belt head.


R-4 Rémy's K.C. Superman toy review:

Manufacturer - DC Direct

Line, Series/ Wave: Kingdom Come Line, Wave 1.

Year Issue: [2003]  

Made: [China] 

Scale: [N/A]

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - Approximately 8 1/2 (12 7/8 up to flap) X 5 3/4 X 2 1/2 

Packaging Method: Mint In Sealed Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Place on a clear plastic tray: "1" Superman KC.  NOTE:  Wires were also used to tied the figure in place.

Box/Card Special Note: Front Card Appearance: No art work on box just the Kingdom Come text logo.  Back Box Appearance:  toy catalog image of the Kingdom Come wave 1 (Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, and Green Latern) and Wave 2 (Batman, Shazam, Red Robin, and Kid Flash).

Approximately Toy Dimension In Inches: - Height Up To The Head 6 3/4.  Maximum Height: 6 3/4  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 2 1/4  Maximum Width: 3 1/4 (from fist to fist).  Dept: 1 3/4

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©DC COMIC MADE IN CHINA, (S03).  

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found underside of Superman right feet.

Paint Quality: [-A] - Very good.

Material Durability: [+A] - Very durable.

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal:  N/A .  Chrome Metal: N/A  Rubber: N/A  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: N/A.

Stability: [A] - Very stable since there's no ankle and limited feet articulation.

Fun Toy: [+C] - Above average...there isn't much you can do with an action figure that doesn't come with any accessory.

Negative Drawback - The toy cutting or seam lines are too revealing especially on the neck.  Also for its huge size, this figure deserves more articulation points.  Don't forget to read Special Note.  

Articulations: Head: Can be rotated at a 360 degree. Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree. Arm/ Elbow: Cannot be bent. Wrist/ Hand: Can be rotated in a 360 degree sideway, but can be bent up or down. Hip/ Waist: Cannot be rotated.  Leg: Can be move in a funky or strange 360 degree.  Very awkward position. Knee: Cannot be bent.  Ankle/ Feet: Cannot move up, down, or sideway.

Action Figure Comic looks alike: [A] - Definitely look like the comic.

Special Notes: Here are "2" special notes which I think you should know:

1 - Be sure to double check thoroughly when purchasing the K.C Superman if you don't want to end up with a defected one.  I had to purchase a second K.C. Superman because it was so awful that I couldn't stand it.  Here are the five defected areas that you should be looking for:

A, On the right and side thigh of K.C. Superman, there's a huge 7/16" dent or dimple closed to a half inch as if someone took a knife and scrape a piece of his thigh off!  

B, On the left and side thigh there's a minor 1/8" dent/ dimple as well.  

C, Just below the right ear, there are bumps as if K.C. Superman has wards.

D, The "S" logo has a minor paint scrape.

E, I didn't experience this, but some people reported a painted chip off on the face.  

2 - My good K.C Superman figure has his belt colored like yellow or gold.  On the other hands, my defected K.C. Superman's belt color is more of bronze.

So word of advice, be sure to inspect all area K.C. Supermave or other KC wave 1 before purchasing!!!

Overall Grade: [+C] - K.C. Superman is an okay action figure.  If you are looking for articulation, this this figure doesn't offer much for it large size.  However if you are a Kingdom Come or Superman fan, then having this figure would be great to your collection since it represents Superman at his old age.


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