Submitting Fivers to 5MB
I Want to Submit a Fiver!

And I want to read and post them! As you know, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has reached over 100 episodes and there is no way in Hellmouth that I could do them all! Besides, I wouldn't want to, either. I want to see what other people can do with these episodes. If you want to submit a fiver, it can be done in a few simple steps: (READ CAREFULLY, please!)

Episodes Coming Soon

1) Pick an episode that you love! Check my running list of what episodes are currently on tap to be "Fived" (above) as well as the rules at the bottom of this page for Fivers.

2) If your selected episode isn't listed as already taken, e-mail me and I'll put you down for that episode's "Guest Fiver".

3) Write, write, write!!

4) Email me your Fiver.

5) I read.

6) I post it. I let you know it's up.

7) Life is sweet! *G*

A Few Quick Rules if
You're Going to Write a Fiver

1) Please, please, please if you say you'll take an episode, don't let too much time elapse between contacting me and writing it. After two, three weeks at the most, I'll contact you to see what's going on and if you still intend to five. Of course, I'll be willing to make exceptions, but this is just to make sure something doesn't sit on the list forever and never get posted.

2) I won't post your email with your Fiver unless you request it. I understand some people like to keep this information private.

3) Remember to have fun! Don't get bogged down in my obsessive rules (somewhat strict, but necessary, I promise)! I love to write these things too and know the #1 rule is having fun!

4) Grr! Argh! *G*
