----- CHECKPOINT -----
Season 5, Episode 12

Glory: Having an episode or two off made me feel like crud. Someone get me a brain to suck and make the plot even more confusing, stat!

Quentin: Hello.
Watcher #1: Cheerio.
Watcher #2: Pip-pip.
Watcher #3: Good day to you and all that rot.
Anya: Oh lordy. It's the invasion of the Giles clones. HELP!
Giles: How very droll, Anya.
Buffy: British stereotyping away!

Ben: Hey there scabby minions. Glory's been sucking brains again, huh?
Scabby Boy Demon #876: How could you tell?
Ben: A guy just skipped down the hall singing "I Feel Pretty" with a lampshade on his head. Lucky guess.

Giles: Buffy! How quaint. Tea and scones?
Buffy: Is it just me, or have you gotten a heck of a lot more British since all those watchers showed up?
Giles: Bloody hell! I haven't the foggiest as to what you're prattling on about.

Quentin: You must sense your enemy. Feel his hostility surround you. Do not trust your eyes, for they will decieve you!
Buffy: Is this some sort of a Master Jedi Star Warsian thing?
Quentin: What? Of course not! It's far more intricate than---- Okay, so basically, yeah, but----

Watcher #4: You have failed.
Buffy: Rats. Obi Wan you're not.
Watcher #4: Meh.

Dawn: Plus, she's always stealing my stuff - exclaimation point.
Glory: What foreign adoption agency did you dig this kid out of anyway?

Glory: Seen my key?
Dawn: Well, actually, I'm---
Buffy: DAWN! What have I told you about giving away major plot points.
Dawn: Fudge.

Knight: You suck. Because of your suckiness, I must kill you.
Buffy: I'm not the one in chain mail, too much facial hair and bad facepaint, Braveheart.
Knight: You're mean.

Buffy: Does anyone suck more than you guys?
Watchers: Hey!
Buffy: What are you gonna do about it? Get British on me?
Quentin: Been doing that the whole bleeding episode. Why stop now?

Buffy: God! What is it about Glory?
Quentin: Yep. That's right about on it.
Buffy: What's on it?
Watcher: No, what's on second.
Buffy: Did I ask you, Lou Costello?

Quentin: Glory is a god.
Buffy: Duuuuude.

(The little Grr-Argh! demon pelvic thrusts across the screen)

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