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Welcome to Random Fandom -- the home of my fanfiction of all variety. Most of my stuff is PG with some PG-13 stuff. No smut here, promise. I can't stomach that stuff anyway, so why would I write it? Each story is rated according to a scale of stars. (see below) Oh yeah! And my email! You can contact me here.

The current mood of kochee@capital.net at www.imood.com
UPDATED 1/4/03

In loving memory of "quiet Beatle" George Harrison

* * * * * * * I live in a yellow submarine... do you? >>G<< * * * * * * *

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Rated G ----
Rated PG ----
Rated PG-13 ----

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Monkees Fanfiction - Hey, Hey! The pop music phenomina of the late 60's has inspired my own little collection of stories. Mike! Micky! Peter! Davy! So Come on In and Listen to the Band! Can You Dig It? Groovy!

Beatles Fanfiction - We love you Beatles! We really do! John! Paul! George! Ringo! *G* See Kelonzi write. See Kelonzi write Fab Four Fanfiction! I Need You to Come Together and read Something! All You Need is Love! (Well.. being able to read might help too. *G*)

Newsies Fanfiction - in 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of Newsies. Hope on in 'ere an' see what all da noise is about! Meetcha 44th $ 2nd...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction - Words cannot describe the coolness that is the chosen one. She is the only girl in this generation who can defend us from the VAMPIRES!

ANGEL Fanfiction - Being a vampire with a soul is a real drag, as Angel can tell you. He's got more guilt and emotional baggage than someone on Weight Watchers who decided to eat a whole chocolate cake. Okay, so the metaphor didn't work the best, but the stories do!

Random at 'Random' - This is where I keep my misc. fanfiction. Here lies stuff that I've written, but don't quite have enough of to make a separate section for. If a fic disapears from here, I'm either working on it, or have uploaded it to its own section!

Random Links - The links I love to visit! Some fanfiction, some... well, it's hard to say exactly what may show up in this section. I visit MANY different places online. Here I just feel like sharing where I spend my online time.

Oh, and if you wouldn't mind... (PLEASE?! *G* I'm not begging, am I?) could ya sign the guestbook? Thankies!
Sign da Books! View me Books!

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