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     Welcome to the official webpage of Prodigy, the Graal playerworld! If you do not currently have a copy of the Graal 2001 client, please click here and download the needed files. Once you have the needed files to play graal, I recommend that you visit the Download section of this site for Map updates, and any additional files you may need. If you have any problems logging on to the server, please visit the official Graal 2001 site and if you cannot find the information you need, contact the Account Management Staff.

     Prodigy is a new upcoming playerworld for Graal. In other word's: It's a work in progress. Prodigy currently has very few staff member's but, the very few staff member's that we have are a few of the best. New and exotic NPC's along with mind puzzling and extraodinarily fun quest's are soon to be created. Also, level's with more then enough detail for you to enjoy, hangout, and have fun on are already being worked on.

     I'm looking foward to seeing you all on my playerworld, when it's up, having fun. Oh yeah, one more thing... If your intrested in being part of the staff team, then you're in luck. I am still recruiting NAT(s) and GAT(s). Email me at with your Graal nickname and a example of your best work. Thanks for your time.
- Knuckles (Owner)