American Civil War Home Chatroom
Transcript (10/14/07) "Christian Cavalier: The
Spiritual Legacy of JEB Stuart" an online chat with
author Michael Aubrecht
Also archived online here: [link
Copyright 2007, M.Aubrecht/PinstripePress. Please
email for permission to quote.
Introduction: Virginia
historian Michael Aubrecht has dedicated his
studies to the role of Christianity during the
Civil War. He is the author of numerous articles
and books on the subject including "Onward
Christian Soldier: The Spiritual Journey of
Stonewall" and "Christian Cavalier." Please join
Michael on Sunday, October 14th at 9pm EST, for an
interactive chat entitled "J.E.B. Stuart: Christian
Cavalier." Through the use of personal letters, and
memoirs that were written by those who knew Stuart
best, Michael will present a more intimate portrait
of the General. By examining his lineage,
upbringing, and pre-war experiences, you will see
through the flashy red cloak, and flowing
black-feathered hat, at the real man buried beneath
that magnificent cinnamon beard. This is the story
of J.E.B. Stuart the Christian - more than just the
Section 1: From a Boy to a Man -
Section 2: From a Man to a Soldier -
Section 3: From a Soldier to a General - Section 4:
From a General to a Legend
10/14/2007 9:08 pm (et) MAubrecht: Good evening
friends and THANK YOU very much for coming. Before
I begin my presentation, I would like to thank ks,
and shotgun, and basecat for inviting me to speak
here tonight. I had such a great time when I did my
last chat entitled "For God and Country." The
wonderful response and feedback that I received
exceeded my own expectations, and I could not wait
to come back for more. You guys and gals have
certainly been a blessing to me and I hope that my
material this evening is worthy of your attention.
It's almost been a year to the day - so let's get
10/14/2007 9:08 pm (et) MAubrecht:
As this is my second online
discussion here, I am going to use the same format
as the last time in order to make things run as
smoothly as possible. Please allow me to explain: I
have some prepared materials that I would like to
share, and I hope that they generate some dialogue.
In order to establish a rhythm and not have us all
typing away furiously at the same time, I will post
a few paragraphs on a particular topic, and when I
have completed that topic, I will follow it with
10/14/2007 9:09 pm (et) MAubrecht:
That will mean that I am done with
the section, and that questions or comments can
follow. If you would like to ask a question, please
type "?" and I'll address you in the order they
appear. I'll stay as long as you like too, so stick
around after I'm done if you want to chat in more
detail about any of this material. I'm trying not
to overwhelm anyone and keep it pleasantly
10/14/2007 9:10 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Also if I go too fast, please feel
free to tell me. Now let us begin…
10/14/2007 9:10 pm (et)
MAubrecht: This evening I will be touching on
several significant events from J.E.B. Stuart's
"Civil War" life, but my goal is to present the man
who came BEFORE the myth. Therefore, I'll be
focusing more on his "Pre-Civil War Life" and some
experiences that led up to his service to the
Confederate States of America. In addition, I'll
also introduce you to a side of Stuart that you may
not be familiar with such as J.E.B. the published
poet, and J.E.B. the inventor.
10/14/2007 9:11 pm (et) MAubrecht:
There are 4 sections to tonight's
presentation: SECTION 1: FROM A BOY TO A MAN -
10/14/2007 9:11 pm (et) MAubrecht:
OK. Let's get started. The title of
this chat is "J.E.B. Stuart: Christian Cavalier".
With a group this savvy, I am sure that I will be
touching on some familiar topics, BUT my goal is to
cover some material that you may not be aware of. I
have especially labored to quote as many letters
and other correspondence that you may not have read
(to date).
10/14/2007 9:12 pm (et) MAubrecht:
I will be the first to acknowledge
that there are some very good academic historians
out there who don't really credit religion as a
primary factor in the life of James Ewell Brown
Stuart. This is somewhat "understandable" as The
Southern Knight was not as outwardly pious as his
commanding officer General Thomas "Stonewall"
Jackson was. Still, I have found through my own
research that spirituality did play a major role in
the backbone of what made Stuart the man that we
remember today. (Thus my subtitle for the book "The
Spiritual Legacy of J.E.B. Stuart.")
10/14/2007 9:12 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Through the use of personal
letters, and memoirs that were written by those who
knew Stuart best, I tried to present a more
intimate portrait of the General. I wanted to
present the J.E.B. Stuart that his mother and his
wife knew - and the J.E.B. Stuart that his close
friends and subordinates knew. You see, more than
just some outlandish cavalier, Stuart was first and
foremost, a man of faith, a man of duty, and a man
of devotion: devotion to his family, devotion to
his country, and devotion to his men. This was the
"brick and mortar" of his character and in my
opinion, these admirable traits are what enabled
him to rise to such legendary heights both on the
battlefield and off.
10/14/2007 9:13 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Stuart was not without faults
though - none of us are. He was also a prideful
man, a stubborn man, and even conceited at times.
By examining his lineage, upbringing, and pre-war
experiences, you will see through the flashy red
cloak, and flowing black-feathered hat, at the real
man buried beneath that magnificent cinnamon beard.
This is the story of J.E.B. Stuart the Christian -
more than just the Cavalier.
10/14/2007 9:14 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Several secular historians have
stated that the lack of 'outward religious tenor'
may mean that Stuart's piety has been somewhat
exaggerated. According to Stuart biographer Emory
Thomas, "During his first year at Emory & Henry
a campus religious revival swept James into the
Methodist Church. At home at Laurel Hill, James's
mother had been an Episcopalian, his father was
probably Presbyterian; but apart from Elizabeth
Stuart's moral strictures, James had not had much
religious education or background. And even after
his revival experience at Emory & Henry, his
letters to family and friends contain few, if any,
religious references."
10/14/2007 9:14 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Thomas later contradicts this
insinuation when he mentions that many of Stuart's
military orders did indeed contain religious
references to "Divine Providence." In my opinion,
Stuart (like most believers) grew stronger in his
faith as time went on. As JEB matured, he most
certainly became more dependent on his spiritual
strength, as the crisis and carnage that surrounded
him grew worse as the war dragged on. I also
believe that his tendency for "showmanship" may
have overshadowed a more serious-side.
10/14/2007 9:15 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Teej and I have shared some
wonderful discussions on the subject of Stuart's
piety and the letters that Teej has obtained from
his loving wife Flora paint a portrait of a man who
did (at times) choose his duty to country over his
family. This however was a dilemma that must have
been repeated throughout the ranks of both armies.
In the end, I think that JEB Stuart was an
exemplary example of a soldier, husband, and father
given the circumstances of his time.
10/14/2007 9:16 pm (et) MAubrecht:
But to understand the complexities
of this man we must of course start from the
10/14/2007 9:16 pm (et)
10/14/2007 9:16 pm (et) MAubrecht:
James Ewell Brown Stuart was born
in Patrick County, Virginia, on February 6, 1833.
His lineage was that of a Scotch Presbyterian, his
forebears having immigrated to the Americas seeking
refuge from religious persecution. Thanks to a
distinguished ancestry, it's not surprising that
Stuart men were widely known as gentleman of great
virtue. Both their Christian roots and their
sincere appreciation for their religious freedoms
inspired them to give back to the community
whenever possible. Their undying commitment to
serve God provided a foundation of values and
morality that benefited their family for
generations to come. Decades later (in a tribute to
the late General Stuart), Major H. B. McClellan
quoted an associate of J.E.B.'s father Archibald
Stuart in reference to the positive influence that
he had on his son's upbringing.
10/14/2007 9:17 pm (et)
MAubrecht: He stated: "Archibald Stuart was
known far and wide, both for his splendid talents
and his wonderful versatility. A powerful orator
and advocate, he charmed the multitude on the
hustings, and convinced juries and courts. In
addition to these gifts, he was one of the most
charming social companions the state ever produced.
Possessing wonderful wit and humor, combined with
rare gift for song, he at once became the center of
attraction at every social gathering. Among the
people of the counties where he practiced, his name
is held in great respect, and his memory is
cherished with an affection rarely equaled in the
history of any public man."
10/14/2007 9:18 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Sound familiar? This is what I mean
by legacy.
10/14/2007 9:18 pm (et)
MAubrecht: You could have just as easily used
that same description when recalling J.E.B.
Obviously being raised in a charitable Christian
household had a tremendous influence on his
character and convictions. After turning fourteen,
J.E.B. enrolled in school at Wytheville and was
accepted into Emory and Henry College in Washington
County in 1848. Named for Bishop John Emory of the
Methodist Church and Patrick Henry, E.H.C. is still
one of the few colleges in the South to have
operated for more than 160 years under the same
name and with the same affiliation, the United
Methodist Church.
10/14/2007 9:19 pm (et)
MAubrecht: During his time there, Stuart
participated in a revival of religion among the
students. Although his mother was a member of the
Episcopal Church and his father a Presbyterian,
J.E.B. enthusiastically professed a conversion to
the Methodist faith. Ten years later, in 1859, he
returned to his mother's church and was confirmed
as an Episcopalian by Bishop Hawks of St. Louis.
Regardless of his denomination, Stuart remained a
committed and devout Christian for the rest of his
life. It was also during this period that he
composed a series of thirty-four poems, later
entitled "Poems and Prayers of Love and
10/14/2007 9:20 pm (et)
MAubrecht: It has since been written that
J.E.B.'s dashing demeanor was an inherited gift
from above. Many credit his joyous temperament and
magnetic personality to his father. Others credit
his sense of duty and gallantry to a grandfather
who was reported to have yielded his sword at
Guilford Courthouse "only after being disabled by
wounds and deserted by his men." As the product of
such a principled and purpose driven legacy, Stuart
routinely excelled in both social and academic
circles. In layman's terms, he was a fun guy who
was adored by most who met him.
10/14/2007 9:20 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In June of 1850, Stuart was
accepted as a candidate for West Point. Both a good
student and a skilled horseman, J.E.B. applied
himself diligently and rose successively through
the ranks. Despite his obvious success in the
classroom, there was one negative experience during
J.E.B.'s pursuit of higher education. It is seldom
discussed, rarely documented, and, in retrospect, a
bit difficult to believe. Due to the lack of
pictorial references during Stuart's formative
years, we only have the accounts of those who knew
him personally. Unlike the handsome cavalier we
have seen in photographic portraits, J.E.B. was
rumored to have suffered from a facial deformity.
10/14/2007 9:21 pm (et)
MAubrecht: One photo does exist on record
that was taken in Washington shortly after Stuart's
graduation that somewhat supports this theory. In
it, J.E.B. appears as a sullen 21-year-old without
his trademark beard. Although his chin is partially
covered in shadow, the lack of a strong jaw is
evident. Major H. B. McClellan later recalled the
malformation as well as the resulting heartache
caused by the malicious upperclassmen that teased
10/14/2007 9:22 pm (et)
MAubrecht: He wrote: "His face was marked by
one feature, which would have misled a
physiognomist in predicting his character and
future. A prominent chin, and firmly set lips, are
generally considered indicative of firmness and
tenacity of purpose. But Stuart's chin was so short
and retiring as positively to disfigure his
otherwise fine countenance; and among the cadets at
West Point he bore the nickname of "Beauty Stuart,"
a lucus a non lucendo. This disfigurement was, in
maturer years, entirely concealed by a wealth of
flowing brown beard, above which appeared a
wellshaped nose and a broad and high forehead."
10/14/2007 9:22 pm (et)
MAubrecht: As a result, J.E.B. was often
involved in multiple physical altercations that
dramatically contrasted with his academic
performance. Although his grades (in classes he
enjoyed) were impressive, the list of yearly
disciplinary actions marred his record
significantly. By the time of his graduation,
Stuart's conduct rating stood at one hundred and
three out of two hundred and six with 129 total
10/14/2007 9:23 pm (et) MAubrecht:
(Note: Some of the best parenting
that I've seen is contained in the letters received
from J.E.B.'s father. I quote several of them in my
book, but time does not permit it here. Basically,
we can see his father's patience wearing thin as
the incidents and subsequent letters progress. He
scolds his son, but does it with such eloquence and
class, that guilt [for disappointing someone who
believes in you] becomes the prime motivator.)
10/14/2007 9:24 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Fortunately, J.E.B.'s suffering
over his appearance would soon come to an end.
After graduating thirteenth in a class of
forty-six, he was immediately commissioned as a
second lieutenant in the prestigious regiment of
Mounted Rifles and assigned to duties in the
mid-western territories. Several months later,
Stuart began to cultivate his famous cinnamon beard
and mustache. To a friend he proudly wrote: "My
beard (which by the way is in a flourishing
condition) has so much altered my physique that you
could not recognize me. Davant says that I am the
only man he ever saw that a beard improved."
10/14/2007 9:25 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Before we move on… Are there any
questions or comments that anyone has in regards to
Stuart's upbringing or education? XXXXXXXX
10/14/2007 9:25 pm (et)
bluelady: I saw that picture you referred
10/14/2007 9:25 pm (et) Basecat:
10/14/2007 9:25 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Yes base.
10/14/2007 9:26 pm (et)
Basecat: Been awhile since I have read
about his childhood... Was wondering how he got
along with siblings and other family members his
10/14/2007 9:28 pm (et) MAubrecht:
From what I can tell. Stuart had a
very fine upbringing and his family was not only
well respected in the community, but well liked.
Unlike the childhood of Jackson, Stuart's was not
fraught with despair. The happy guy that we see in
paintings was true to him. Although there was
tensions to come later with his in-laws. I'll be
touching on that shortly.
10/14/2007 9:28 pm (et)
Basecat: Thanks Michael.
10/14/2007 9:28 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: ?
10/14/2007 9:29 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Yes .am.
10/14/2007 9:29 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Who gave Stuart the
appointment to West Point?
10/14/2007 9:30 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Actually I don't recall the name
off-hand. I believe it was an associate of his
10/14/2007 9:31 pm (et) bluelady:
10/14/2007 9:31 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Thanks, I thought
there was some family connection.
10/14/2007 9:31 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I can say that he was not
comfortable with going - and even wrote to a friend
en-route about how immature and green he was for
such an honor. He lacked confidence.
10/14/2007 9:32 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Yes bluelady... please share your
10/14/2007 9:32 pm (et)
bluelady: ?
10/14/2007 9:32 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Yes blue.
10/14/2007 9:33 pm (et) bluelady:
ok we a couple actually. first that
picture you really can see he had "no chin" as to
the appointment. the family was well liked so it is
no surprise there since they did have connections
10/14/2007 9:34 pm (et) bluelady:
but I am also surprised he lacked
confidence. do you think the humor hid it?
10/14/2007 9:34 pm (et)
MAubrecht: He called himself "as green as a
vine" and was not the cocky horseman we know today.
He only became 'that' Stuart after achieving
things. In other words, his ego was not falsely
fed. IMO he 'earned it' if that makes sense.
10/14/2007 9:34 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Great posts guys/gals. Thanks. If
it's OK, let's move on to our next section…
10/14/2007 9:34 pm (et)
10/14/2007 9:35 pm (et)
MAubrecht: It was during this period that
J.E.B. became more intimate in his relationship
with God. Although he was by no means a "Bible
Thumper," often he would participate in scripture
study with his fellow Christian troopers, and his
dedication to the reading of the written Word grew
more each day. In retrospect, perhaps both the
desolate location of his post and the lack of
distractions may have played a big part in Stuart's
salvation. If an idle mind really is "the Devil's
Workshop," J.E.B. certainly kept his busy.
10/14/2007 9:35 pm (et) MAubrecht:
His maturing demeanor and strict
code of ethics also helped maintain an obedient
lifestyle, free from disruption. As a young boy,
J.E.B. had pledged to his mother that he would
avoid the "ills of man," including alcohol,
tobacco, and gambling. Amazingly, Stuart maintained
this vow for the entire course of his life and only
drank whiskey (a medicinal pain-killer) on his last
day at the insistence of his physician. This
commitment and willpower signified his loyalty to
the Lord and the spiritual strength that guided
10/14/2007 9:36 pm (et)
MAubrecht: (Note: This has been debated -
some accounts have him participating in toasts.)
10/14/2007 9:36 pm (et)
MAubrecht: He also remained thoughtful of his
family and church back home. At one point, he wrote
to his mother with regard to financially supporting
the development of a house of worship on the
family's property. He wrote: "I wish to devote one
hundred dollars to the purchase of a comfortable
log church near your place, because in all my
observation I believe one is more needed in that
neighborhood than any other that I know of; and
besides, "charity begins at home." Seventy-five of
this one hundred dollars I have in trust for that
purpose, and the remainder is my own contribution.
If you will join me with twenty-five dollars, a
contribution of a like amount from two or three
others interested will build a very respectable
free church. What will you take for the south half
of your plantation? I want to buy it."
10/14/2007 9:37 pm (et) MAubrecht:
During his time on the plains,
Stuart and the U.S. Cavalry were involved in
pre-emptive actions against what were referred to
as potential hostiles. In an effort to preserve
peace and safety between the new settlers in Kansas
Territory and the occupying Native American tribes,
the mounted army filled the position of a
disciplinary body, maintaining order over both
settlers and Indians. At the time, whether Kansas
would be considered a free or slave state was still
undetermined. This uncertainty eventually led to
political stress and social disorder.
10/14/2007 9:38 pm (et) MAubrecht:
While serving in Kansas, J.E.B.
discovered the woman who would become the love of
his life. After returning from extended maneuvers
to Fort Leavenworth, Stuart moved on to Fort Riley,
where he met and courted Miss Flora Cooke, the
daughter of Colonel Philip St. George Cooke,
commandant of that post. Both were kindred spirits,
and their similar backgrounds, each coming from a
prosperous military family, enabled them to bond
closely. They were married on November 14th, 1855,
and, one month later, J.E.B. was promoted to first
lieutenant in his regiment.
10/14/2007 9:39 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Now getting back to basecat's
question on family relations: (Ironically, it would
be Flora's father who later, after signing with the
Union, would be ordered to help hunt down his rebel
son-in-law, who was conducting raids on the Yankee
10/14/2007 9:40 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Talk about marital stress!
10/14/2007 9:40 pm (et)
MAubrecht: One particular campaign during
Stuart's deployment involved a battle fought at the
North Fork of the Solomon River and resulted in
J.E.B. sustaining a serious wound. On July 29,
1857, his superior, Colonel Sumner, led six
companies of mounted rifleman against nearly three
hundred Cheyenne warriors. After initially
attacking, the Indian forces fell back, forcing a
relentless pursuit by the troopers. Stuart
initially led the chase for over five miles, but
eventually his horse became exhausted, requiring
him to pull back. After allowing the animal to
catch its breath, J.E.B. forged ahead and attempted
to exchange his winded steed with one of his
subordinates'. In doing so, he came upon a group of
men engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
10/14/2007 9:41 pm (et)
MAubrecht: This is where the legend of the
'Knight' begins...
10/14/2007 9:41 pm (et) MAubrecht:
He later recalled the incident:
"When I overtook the rear of the enemy I found
Lomax in imminent peril from an Indian, who was on
foot, and in the act of shooting him. I rushed to
the rescue, and succeeded in wounding the Indian in
his thigh. He fired at me in return with an Allen's
revolver, but missed. I now observed Stanley and
McIntyre close by. The former said, 'Wait! I'll
fetch him.' He dismounted from his horse to aim
deliberately, but in dismounting accidentally
discharged his last load. Upon him the Indian now
advanced with his revolver pointed. I could not
stand that, but drawing my saber rushed on the
monster and inflicted a severe wound across his
head; but at the same moment he fired his last
barrel within a foot of me, the ball taking effect
in the center of the breast, but, by the mercy of
God, glancing to the left, lodging near my nipple
and so far inside that it cannot be felt."
10/14/2007 9:42 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Amazing he survived such a
point-blank shot.
10/14/2007 9:43 pm (et) MAubrecht:
After the battle ended Stuart and
his comrades were in dire shape. Upon assessing the
loss and burying his casualties, Colonel Sumner
continued the pursuit of the retreating Indians
southward. Falling further behind by the hour, he
finally decided to leave his wounded (including
Lieutenant Stuart) in a temporary fortification
built near the battlefield and garrisoned by one
company of infantry. Despite suffering great pain,
J.E.B. acknowledged his Savior and repeatedly
offered prayers of gratitude for his survival.
(This would become a recurring theme as Stuart
escaped more than his share of deadly and desperate
situations in the years to come.)
10/14/2007 9:44 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Keep in mind - the man suffered a
'deep-cavity' chest shot...
10/14/2007 9:44 pm (et) MAubrecht:
After several days of waiting for
help that never arrived, it was actually Stuart who
was able to "miraculously" find a route back to an
Army post and obtain aid for those left behind. He
later credited God alone for guiding him through
the desert. Turning his thoughts to his Savior, he
wrote his dear wife, assuring her of his recovery.
Under the care of Dr. Charles Brewer, the
regimental surgeon, Stuart was moved to a safer
location that allowed him an opportunity to
meditate on his good fortune. Still, his
restlessness was apparent.
10/14/2007 9:45 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Sidebar: He rode for miles and
miles through the desert and somehow came upon an
old trail that led back to one of the U.S. Army's
fortifications. 'Blind luck'? Maybe. Maybe
10/14/2007 9:45 pm (et)
MAubrecht: In his letter, he stated: "I
rejoice to inform you that the wound is not
regarded as dangerous, though I may be confined to
my bed for weeks. I am now enjoying excellent
health in every other aspect. We have a pretty view
up the creek for about two miles. I can sit up a
little with props, and seize a moment now and then
to jot a daily token to my wife. The day drags
heavily. My Prayer Book-which I must say has not
been neglected-and my Army Regulations are my only
books. A few sheets of Harper's Weekly are
treasures indeed."
10/14/2007 9:46 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Stuart later made a full recovery
and returned to his wife with a renewed sense of
faith, and humility. Clearly God had spared him.
Perhaps He even had a plan for him - a purpose yet
unfulfilled - and one that would come during one of
the darkest times in our nation's history.
10/14/2007 9:47 pm (et)
MAubrecht: I've read many reports on this and
really have no logical medical reason why he lived.
Before we move on… Are there any questions or
comments that anyone has in regards to Stuart's
service on the frontier? XXXXXXXX
10/14/2007 9:47 pm (et)
Basecat: Comment... Jeb's Dad ran for
Congress in 1848 but lost the election to Democrat
Thomas Hamlet Averett. Averett's first official act
of his term was to give JEB his appt. to West
Point. This from Thomas' bio on Stuart.
10/14/2007 9:47 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Thanks for adding that base. Well
10/14/2007 9:48 pm (et)
bluelady: ?
10/14/2007 9:48 pm (et)
amhistoryguy: Thanks
10/14/2007 9:48 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Yes bluelady.
10/14/2007 9:49 pm (et)
bluelady: is a deep cavity wound like one
that was just lucky not to hit anything vital..that
is if we want to consider luck being part of it?
10/14/2007 9:50 pm (et) mobile_96:
10/14/2007 9:50 pm (et) MAubrecht:
From what I understand, balls were
often left in the body if they posed no threat to
internal organs or arteries. Even today sometimes
bullets are more dangerous if they are removed as
opposed to leaving them in there.
10/14/2007 9:51 pm (et)
bluelady: ok I guess even today that is true
10/14/2007 9:51 pm (et) MAubrecht:
Stuart had many close calls during
the Civil War, but to be hit at close range and
then not receive medical attention for days - in
the dirty desert - he's very lucky indeed.
Infection, and loss of blood was a real
possibility. Yes mobile.
10/14/2007 9:52 pm (et) mobile_96:
was going to ask if the ball had
been removed, but guess your comment answers that
10/14/2007 9:52 pm (et) MAubrecht:
No records indicate that any
additional surgery was performed.
10/14/2007 9:52 pm (et) MAubrecht:
At least none that I am aware of.
10/14/2007 9:52 pm (et)
MAubrecht: Great posts guys/gals. Thanks.
Let's move on to our next section…
10/14/2007 9:53 pm (et)
MAubrecht: This is where J.E.B. starts to
resemble the man we know today...