Little Sorrel on display
at V.M.I.
"One thing which forcibly
occurred to me was the perfect quiet which
horses stood in their places. Even when a
shell, striking in the midst of a team,
would knock over one or two of them or
hurl one struggling in his death agonies
to the ground, the rest would make no
effort to struggle or escape but would
stand solidly by as if saying to
themselves, 'It is fate, it is useless to
try to avoid it.'"
- General John Gibbon
Little Sorrel - A Tribute To
Stonewall's Steed
by Michael Aubrecht, Copyright
Also online at: Riders and Reapers
Throughout the course of military
history, generals have always relied on the
faithful obedience and service of their troops. The
fulfillment of one's duty is the prime directive of
every disciplined soldier and executing orders
under fire is crucial in achieving victory on the
battlefield. Members of the armed forces are often
called upon to follow their commanders blindly into
desperate and dangerous situations without question
- and without hesitation. Thus is the nature of man
in war.
Another loyal servant to the high
command, whose contributions are overlooked, is the
horse. Completely unaware of the politics, protocol
and hypocrisy of war, this animal is more than just
a mount. It is a faithful friend and follower who
carries its commander into battle with the same
bravery and patriotism as the humans around
Many of the generals that we study
today enjoyed the companionship of one of these
steeds and in many cases the horse's name has
become almost as famous as their owners. This was
especially true during the Civil War. In the
Confederate army, Robert E. Lee's horse Traveller
quickly became a Southern icon and in the Union
army, it was Philip Sheridan's mount Winchester,
who captured the hearts and minds of the
Another horse that ultimately
became as beloved as its rider was Thomas
"Stonewall" Jackson's mount, Little Sorrel. No
other horse it seems has been honored with such
grace and dignity as this undersized steed. Like
his commander, the story of Little Sorrel is one of
both triumph and tragedy.
1861, then Colonel Thomas J. Jackson, was deployed
to the most northern point of the Confederate
States at Harper's Ferry. His orders were to take
command of troops from the Valley district that
were stationed there and secure the U.S. armory and
arsenal. During this time Jackson focused on both
the training of his army as well as the logistics
required to supply and maintain them. One item that
required immediate attention was the acquisition of
horses that were essential for mobilization.
Luckily, a few days after his
arrival, an eastbound train full of livestock was
seized. On board was a pack of domestic horses that
were instantly recruited into the Confederacy.
Obviously spooked and weary from their journey,
they were led out of their railroad cars and taken
to the nearby river for water. Jackson, who was
without a mount at the time, approached the animals
and selected two candidates with the assistance of
Major John Harmon. One was a large, muscular
stallion and the other was a much smaller and
rounder Morgan.
Within one day, the colonel had
made his decision, as the larger and more powerful
horse remained skittish, while the smaller sorrel
maintained an easy gait and a pleasant temperament.
Appropriately, Jackson named the horse "Little
Sorrel" and thus began one of the most recognizable
duos of the Civil War.
General Jackson's most famous
attribute was his unflinching bravery that won him
the nickname of "Stonewall" at the Battle of
Manassas, (a.k.a. First Bull Run.) A devout
Presbyterian man, Jackson believed that the time of
his death had already been determined, thus no
space on the battlefield was any safer than the
next. He said, "My religious belief teaches me to
feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the
time for my death. I do not concern myself about
that, but to always be ready, no matter when it may
overtake me."
unwavering faith and dedication to both God and
country inspired his troops (later christened the
"Stonewall Brigade") to charge with reckless
abandon onto victory over the most dire of
circumstances. It is often forgotten, but important
to remember that every time Jackson entered the
battlefield, he was atop his faithful horse.
Therefore, for every musket ball
and exploding shell that Jackson faced, his mount
also stayed the course. His service record, even
for a horse, was extraordinary. Some of Little
Sorrel's milestones included the Battle of
Manassas, the Seven Days Battle, the Battle of
Fredericksburg, and the tragic Battle of
Chancellorsville. As a testament to the animal's
strength of will, Henry Kyd, Jackson's staff
officer once remarked that he never observed a sign
of fatigue from Little Sorrel.
Throughout the war, Jackson's
horse, like his men, remained cool under fire.
Their loyalty to their commander was second to none
and his bravery became infectious throughout the
ranks. Due to a successful defensive campaign on
Southern soil, the Confederacy seemed well on its
way to acquiring accepted independence. All that
changed however after the sudden and accidental
death of the man they called "Stonewall."
May 2, 1863, during the battle of Chancellorsville,
Jackson's own men accidentally fired upon him
resulting in three wounds and an amputated arm.
Initially, he looked to make a full recovery, but
he later developed an incurable case of pneumonia.
In the end, he clearly accepted his fate as part of
God's Divine Plan and resolved to spend his last
hours before delirium set in, reading from the
Following the death of his master,
Little Sorrel became a symbol of Southern pride and
survived to a ripe, old age. Jackson's widow, Mary
Anna, cared for the horse until dwindling finances
forced her to send him to the Virginia Military
Institute where the cadets looked after their
ex-instructor's mount until he relocated once again
to the Confederate veterans' home in
Often he toured as an attraction at
country fairs and attended many reunions for Civil
War veterans. It has also been written that
Southern ladies would sometimes clip hairs from his
mane and tail to make wristlets and rings. At the
tender age of thirty-three, Little Sorrel was a
bonafide celebrity sideshow. In 1884, he was
photographed with an eighty-five year-old
Confederate soldier named Napoleon Hull who was
said to have been the oldest surviving veteran of
Jackson's army.
Unfortunately, like "Stonewall",
the retired mount would also suffer a tragic demise
at the hands of his "own men." After the horse's
deteriorating health became crippling, the
Confederate veterans rigged a makeshift sling to
hoist him to his feet whenever visitors arrived.
One day, the sling accidentally slipped off and the
poor horse fell to the floor, breaking his back.
Death came shortly thereafter.
Following the passing of Little
Sorrel in 1886, the CSA veterans had his hide
mounted and preserved where it remains on display
in the V.M.I. Museum. He is one of only two horses
ever to be preserved from the Civil War. The other
is Sheridan's Winchester.
hundred and eleven years later (on July 20th,
1997), the animal's skeleton was finally cremated
and his ashes were scattered beneath the famous
bronze statue of his master at the entrance to
V.M.I. The reburial and subsequent ceremony was due
to the efforts of the Virginia Division of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy and echoed the
pageantry of days gone by.
Complete with (re-enacting) mounted
cavalry and infantry, a fife and drum corps, a
bagpiper, and ladies in period dress, Little
Sorrel's bones were escorted to his grave in a
special 18-inch-tall walnut casket that was created
for the event.
Jackson would have wanted, the invocation,
blessing, and benediction was offered by the
Reverend William Klein, pastor of the Lexington
Presbyterian Church, where General Jackson and his
wife had worshipped. Other prominent speakers
included Dr. James I. Robertson, author of the
recently published definitive biography of Little
Sorrel's master, and Col. Keith Gibson, director of
the school's museum.
this day, Little Sorrel remains as a symbol of
bravery and service, not only to the cadets at
V.M.I., but to all that pay tribute to the men who
fought in battle, as well as the animals that
carried them there.