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MAGIC NEWZ!! you get it firzt!!

whut up yall it is magic on this sitethe old site was so screwed up we had no chocie  but to use this old site. the tour looks good for the krazy killas fans tweek is still going. rember november 1 IDA first album  is called it's time. i am going to give DeRanGeD some time to spit here on the site for yall but other newz. every one i herd rumor that it is going to recorded so yall can get to here your self maybee and the kandy for yall that might not happen eather but i could. now bitch killa he is writing his album and as far as i can tell i will be good he will also be on the tour. project steve and chris might be on the tour it depends on the situation. YA KNOW  COUNT D will bethere as for deranged and corpulious. well here it goes this show will be DeRanGeD best show ever he will be their.      DeRanGeD SPEAKS!!    

sup yall. its me. zach thats right my name is zach ok lets get an move on from this. ok i am the tour manger for this so i have 3 times of a hard job as any other performer. but i m good like that. first of all i have tweek at this show performing with me under krazy killas. i feel werid cuz of that dissing we did and now for the last show  he is with us im like wow. I have problems ya so i say it here on the site. i have a problem with tweek me and him do not get ALONG in rappin but i want this show to happen good. the way i can forgive my past and get ida on the road if kool kaz shows up to the show as well. and he is. ok yall like fuck that shit  you want some newz ok here it is  last time i check the album was 6 or 7 songs long. i dont know i took a break off the album so i can relax. if i have a girlfriend dont worrie i still do the wicked shit. im also doing the fat kid section down below this so u have alot to read. ok if u see me in school say hi whut ever just dont changeallge ok. so whut if your better  i deal with it. say my shit suxs were your shit you know whut im saying all the haters not one but all the haters. bitch killas album is comeing out soon so i have to work on that one i made one beat for it. yo cheack this out i wrote this for my sn on aol but ill put it here for yall to injoy "m i in hell yes. now let me release this stuuf in my checst. 9 mm made of chrome a sliver buller to your dome when no ones home i kill at my will. were your boy he just mark giving us a bad name. and homies bring the pain just rember stay away from the mirowave you brace face getting your jaw wrired up. just two 2 dump shells at the floor and steal records at your local store. the top 10 ten hit s got a couple hitz. people call me insane because i beat your ass down a drain blood guts for the pigs smokeing cig after the show come ya lets go to the show" well i check ya out later


sup it's DeRAnGeD im a fat kid 6 1 240 pounds. i like to rap and do pardioes (yall know whut im talking about) and hang out with homies, homies are krazy records(everyone they know they are) martin,steve,eric,joe,alcia(fuck your name)F,dave(tag team eater) and others i just dont got that much room yall sorry i fit it in again some time if i get voted a fat kid again. whut i look in for a girl (whut the fuck you no,   ass whole who e-mail this is a dick ; ) i dont care how tall they are or anything like that. it the love they give i can tell if they love me but if i hook up with em they have to know i hang with homies and rap and if they can deal (as long as they can eat food with me : ) i be a good boyfriend. ok next question if i lost waight. this is no ricky like comercial damn im fat till i die. IDA whut i wanted to be a good question umm i wanted to be a male dancer but they dont hire fat peopel FAT HATTERS well last question if i could would i restart krazy killas the answer for this one is hard will i eat "good food" no so got it ok here goes my shout outZ

my album entiled


was writtin produced engirned and vocals

by ME deranged




ok for next month e - mail us question about Corpulious to ambress the piss out if em

if we use your stuff we give u a free pass to the show