NYC RiDeRs(Street)

Street in New York. Manhatten is filled with many, many fun street spots that NYC riders love to session. There are just too many to name. BK banks, Colombia College, etc. with all these different obstacles in the city, there come many different styles of the riders from the 5 bouroughs. Every weekend, many NYC riders meet up at the place to be if you are a street rider...Union Square. There, many kinds of riders meet up with eachother. They can range from flatlanders to ramp riders to the natural street riders. After meeting up they troop the city looking for some spots to session. Although there are many, many spots to session...there arent that many that can be sessioned without being hassled by PIGS. Every weekend is fun for a street rider.

Ed Pollio of Staten Island with a one footed toothpick slide at the BK banks.
Ed Pollio again with a back tire slap in downtown Manhatten.
Ricki Heath with a smith stall on a pole at the bK banks.
Joe Henriquez wallrides downtown manhatten.
Ricki Heath icepicks the chinatown banks.
Grimaldo from NJ with a nice fufanu in downtown manhatten.
Grimaldo jumps the Chinatown banks like its a hip and pulls a nice x-up over it.
Ricki Heath -smith stall.
Grimaldo with an icepick on a wedge to road barrier.
Joe Henriquez-Fakie wallride.
Snow with a fakie wallride.
Eddie with a wallride over the ledge at the BK banks.
My first impression of this kid was that he was good at flatland...little did i know that James from West NY,NJ could wallride too.