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White Plains, New York

All-time Roster - 1978-present

This is the current fixed-route roster for The Bee-Line System, a service of the Westchester County Department of Transportation. This listing does not include utility vehicles, maintenance vehicles, supervisor vehicles, or the paratransit fleet. This information may be subject to change without notice.

The Westchester County DOT is in the process of recieving an additional 10 new artics and .

#        MFR      MODEL        YEAR  SEAT SERIAL           NOTES

101-106 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 014-019 1 107-159 GMC TH-8603 1978 46* 263-315 1 160-174 GMC TH-8603 1978 46* 316-330 2 175-177 GMC TH-8603 1978 46* 260-262 3 178-188 GMC TH-8603 1978 46* 249-259 4 189-190 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 006-007 5 191-193 GMC TH-8603 1978 46* 246-248 6 194-195 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 008-009 7 196-197 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 010-011 8 198 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 012 9 199 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 013 6 200 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 004 10 201-202 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 001-002 11 203 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 005 12 204 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 020 13 205 GMC TH-7603 1978 38* 003 14
600-640 MAN SG-310 1984 72 --------------- 15 641-660 MAN SG-310 1984 72 --------------- 16 661 MAN SG-310 1984 72 DC610536 17
901-916 MCI 102A2 1986 53 GP040970-GP040989 917-929 MCI 102A2 1986 53 GP040990-GP041002 931-937 MCI 102A2 1987 53 HP041789-HP041795
760-799 Flxible 40102-6-T 1990 48 LD100938-LD100977 800-874 Flxible 40102-6-T 1990 48 LD100863-LD100937 875-879 Flxible 40102-6-T 1990 48 LD100978-LD100982
301-310 Ford Supreme 1994 18 --------------- 18
311 Orion 02.501 1994 22 R6005855
401 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032087 402-403 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032110-S6032111 404-405 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032113-S6032114 406-408 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032116-S6032118 409-412 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032120-S6032123 413-415 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032125-S6032127 416-417 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032129-S6032130 418-420 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032132-S6032134 421-422 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032136-S6032137 423-424 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032139-S6032140 425-427 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032142-S6032144 428-429 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032146-S6032147 430-432 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032149-S6032151 433 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032153 434-435 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032156-S6032157 436-438 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032159-S6032161 439-440 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032163-S6032164 441-442 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032167-S6032168 443-444 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032170-S6032171 445-446 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032173-S6032174 447-449 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032176-S6032178 450 Orion 05.501 1995 45 S6032180 451-484 Orion 05.501 1995 45 T6032600-T6032633
313-332 Ford Supreme 1997 20 VHB58559-VHB58578
501-568 Neoplan AN-460A 2001 65 ---------------
569-578 Neoplan AN-460A 2002 65 --------------- 19
481-484 Orion 07.501 2002 -- --------------- 19


1 - Originally purchased for Westchester Street Transportation Company
2 - Originally purchased for Westchester Street Transportation Company; later reallocated as follows: 160 (White Plains-Pleasantvile #194); 161-163 (Club Transportation #175-177); 164-174 (Club Transportation #164-174)
3 - Originally purchased for Liberty Coaches, later renumbered #160-162
4 - Originally purchased for Club Transportation Company
5 - Originally purchased for Mt Kisco Bus Company
6 - Originally purchased for White Plains-Pleasantville Bus Company
7 - Originally purchased for Chappaqua Transportation Company
8 - Originally purchased for Scarsdale Bus Company
9 - Originally purchased for White Plains Bus Company
10 - Originally purchased for County Bus Line
11 - Originally purchased for Beechmont Bus Company
12 - Originally purchased for Hartsdale Bus Corp
13 - Originally purchased for Victoria Transit Lines
14 - Originally purchased for Bronxville Bus Line
15 - Serials as follows: DC280457, DC290458, DC300459, DC310460, DC320461, DC330462, DC340463, DC350464, DC360465, DC370466, DC380467, DC390468, DC400469, DC410470, DC420471, DC430472, DC440473, DC450474, DC460475, DC470476, DC480477, DC490478, DC500479, DC510480, DC520481, DC530482, DC540483, DC550484, DC560485, DC570486, DC580487, DC590488, DC600489, DC610490, DC620491, DC630492, DC640493, DC650494, DC660495, DC670496, DC680497
16 - Serials as follows: EC320674, EC330675, EC340676, EC350677, EC360678, EC370679, EC380680, EC390681, EC400682, EC410683, EC420684, EC430685, EC440686, EC450687, EC460688, EC470689, EC480690, EC490691, EC500692, EC510693
17 - Ex-MTA New York City Transit demo; sold to Westchester County DOT
18 - Serials as follows: PHB53847, PHB53852, PHB45979, PHB45980, PHB45982, PHB45981, PHB45978, PHB45983, PHA84928, PHA84925
19 - Delivery in progress, awaiting confirmation on VIN numbers.
* - The RTS buses were wheelchair lift equipped and originally had 34 seats (35-ft) or 43 seats (40-ft); the lift was later replaced.

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Page created Friday, 1 March 2002

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