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GRAPHICS INTENSE     Last Updated: October 3, 1999     PLEASE BE PATIENT

Unit Crest

29th Field Artillery
World War I

Information on the 29th Field Artillery, circa World War I is the most difficult information to locate. It took many hours of research just to locate the photographs contained herein. If you are aware of any information, sites, or relatives of World War I Veterans that would like to have their 29th FA Veteran's photographs put on this site, then by all means, get in touch with me!

If the photographs, with a brief explanation are provided by email,
I'll download them, put them on my server, and post them for all!

Send me, or "point me to" your ".gif" or ".jpg" WW I photos!

Dan Fisher

Where requested, photo providers are listed at bottom of this page.

World War I

Camp Funston

Major General Fredrick Funston


Major General Fredrick Funston, was born on November 9, 1865. His military service included action in both Cuba and in the Philipines, during the Spanish-American War. For his heroic action in the Philipines, he was a awarded the Medal of Honor. The photo on the right shows him wearing the Medal of Honor. MG Fredrick Funston was 51 years old when he died on February 19, 1917. It is in his honor for which Camp Funston, Kansas was named. To find the full story behind this heroic man,CLICK HERE!

A Brief Division History

10th Div10th Div

Tenth Division

Organized at Camp Funston, Kansas.

Regular training began on August 10, 1918. The advanced school detachment left Camp Funston on October 27, 1918, and arrived in France just prior to the signing of the armistice. The 210th Engineer Regiment and Train left for Camp Mills at Mineola, Long Island, NY on November 1, 1918, and was ready for movement overseas. On January 18, 1919, demobilization was commenced and on February 18th all organizations of the 10th Division were demobilized except those belonging to the Regular Army.

Major General Leonard Wood commanded this division from the time of its organization until it was demobilized.

Shoulder Insignia: a blue square with a yellow "X" superimposed inside a yellow ring.

The 10th Division was composed of the following organizations:

10th Headquarters Troop, 28th Divisional Machine Gun Battalion, 19th Infantry Brigade, 41st Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry Regiment, 29th Machine Gun Battalion, 20th Infantry Brigade, 20th Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry Regiment, 30th Machine Gun Battalion, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 28th Field Artillery Regiment, 29th Field Artillery Regiment, 30th Field Artillery Regiment, 10th Trench Mortar Battery, 210th Engineer Regiment, 210th Engineer Train, 10th Train Headquarters and Military Police, 10th Supply Train, 10th Sanitary Train, 237th Field Hospital, 238th Field Hospital, 239th Field Hospital, 240th Field Hospital, 237th Ambulance Company, 238th Ambulance Company, 239th Ambulance Company, 240th Ambulance Company.

A Typical WWI Soldier !
Carlton Jewett Smith

Carlton Jewitt Smith Born in Gloucester, MA, on April 9, 1894. He graduated from the one-year Wentworth Electrical Wiring course, class of 1912. He left his position at the Prest-O-Lite Service and Acetylene Welding Company in Gloucester, MA, to enlist in the Army on April 29, 1918. In September, he was transferred to Camp Funston, KS, where he became Sergeant in Company C, 30th Battalion, 10th Division. He became ill with pneumonia shortly after his arrival, and was transferred to Fort Riley, KS, where he died on October 8, 1918. He is buried in Mt. Adnah Cemetery, Annisquam, MA.

Note: It is not "clear" as to which 30th Battalion, Machine Gun, or Field Artillery, that Carlton Jewett Smith was assigned to! His photograph and brief biography are placed here to give the viewer an idea of the uniform worn during this time period.

Photograph and Biography synopsis were provided by the:
Wentworth Institute of Technology, Alumni Library, Boston, MA.

29th Field Artillery

COL Daly
Colonel Charles Dudley Daly
Battalion Commander

The 29th Field Artillery Battalion was constituted on July 5, 1918, as part of the Army's 10th Division. There, they underwent equipment issue, tactical training, and began preparations to deploy to Europe. However, during this period, Camp Funston, Kansas faced an Influenza Outbreak that devastated the installation. By the end of October 1918, in Camp Funston alone, there were 14,000 reported cases, and 861 deaths. The State of Kansas reported 12,000 deaths! By the time the "flu" had run it's course, and the units were healthy, the war had ended. And, with the Armistice, the 29th Field Artillery was demobilized on February 4, 1919, never entering the combat theater.

The Influenza Epidemic at Funston!
Emergency Hospital
Courtesy of The National Museum of Health & Medicine

Our Photo Offering

These are LARGE files!

Camp Funston
Camp Funston, Kansas, c.1918

Camp Funston
Closer View of Camp Funston, c.1918

Artillery Practice
Camp Funston, Artillery Practice, c.1918

Artillery Practice
Camp Funston, Artillery Practice, c.1918

Artillery Practice
Camp Funston, Artillery Practice, c.1918

NOTE: Records do not indicate the actual units practicing artillery fire in these photo's!

More photo's will be posted, as soon as they are obtained.

Photo's Provided By:

The Funston Museum

Golden Gate National Rec Area

Tom Johnston

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