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Random Understanding

Have you ever felt like no one understands you and no one knows what its like to be you and feel what you are felling.

Well I have.

It sucks.

Here is my sympathy and like everything else I say, you might not understand.


When life is fucked and everybody sucks. When you need to talk and nobody will listen to a word you have to say. When time is gone. When the pain is numbed by the inconsistancies of your day. Reach out to me and confide in me. Because the worst thing that could happen is you'll be OK. Just call my name and fuck all your shame and let the fear handle itself. I can be your pain. I can be your rage. I can be all the shit thats gone wrong in your day. I can make time stop, make your temerature drop and bring out the lessons life gave you today. So release shit on me and give what you need and life will be yours for the taking. So ask to be saved and when God fails again, remember I'm here to relieve the pain. I can be your tears. I can be your life. I can be all the shit you hide inside. Life is shit sometimes and no one can help. The world can be scary and you might just want to get out. But nothings that easy and life isn't that kind. So fuck the whole world and open your mind. Just find my number and give me your time. I can help you work though it. Don't be so blind. I can make you happy when life is fucked up. I can make you smile when other freinds have given up. Believe me I know the world is creul. Sometimes you don't know just what to do. I'll tell you again. I'm here for you friend to ease the suffering stuck inside you head. I've been there before and seen what you've seen. I've heard what they said and its a terrible thing. So feed into me and see what life brings. Believe me this not where this has to end. Life always goes on no matter how hard it may seem. Its worth it in the end just trust me. I have seen rage, hate, drugs, guns, knives and lives taken before their time. I have seen a world that has no remorse and I have seen the downfall of mankind. But I've also seen good times. I've seen people with clear minds. I've seen a world that cares for its own kind. So whatevers been said. Whatever they've taken will make you a stronger person as your time moves on. Take what you've learned and apply it in life. See all the gifts that are all at your side.

Friends make life worth living and you need an open mind.

So vent to me anger and happiness you will find.


I'm here for you friend.

Call me if you need to talk!