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Mole's Biography

So you stumbled on to my biography, how special of you.

So here it comes...and prepare yourself it my not be all pretty and candy coated.


Well, the story begins at birth (where else would I start). I was born at Sister's Hospital on February 20, 1985 at 12:36pm. I was an ugly kid and no one liked me My father abandoned my mother and I when I was three or four. We moved in with my grandmother and took things from there. At age five I was enrolled in St. John Kanty schoolin the middle of Buffalo's ghetto. BIG FUN. After two years the school folded and I moved on to St. Stanislaus. Most of my friends from Kindergarden when there too so it wasn't a huge shock. I was always a pretty intelligent kid. I always recieved the highest grades...yadda...yadda. Anyways, life was going pretty good for a dork of my caliber. That is until like third grade when I had to do the whole First Communion thing.

Traditionally after that you have a party and such. For some reason my mom invited my Dad to the party and he actually showed up. OK, this isn't so bad. Maybe we can get to know eachother and he can get involved. I was a kid I didn't know better. All I wanted was someone to throw a ball around with and shit like that. Well, turns out the old man showed up to tell me he was moving o Florida and that he might not be coming back for a while. I suppose I was crushed but I got over it.

Life was good. I recieved my first detention in fifth grade for saying I was going to erase the assignment off the chalk board. What a rebel I was back Anyways, in sixth grade my grandmother passed away. It was hard to deal with because my mom didn't take it well. We knew it was comimg but she refussed to accept the facts. She died of lung cancer related to smoking. (Thats pretty ironic but I'll get to that.) After, she passed away, my mother and I were pretty screwed. Mom had and still has a worthless job that pays shit and has never saved a dime in her life. Turns out grandma was behind on the taxes and there was no way we were coming up with the money to save the house. So, we moved in with my Aunt and Uncle who just happened to live down the street. That was horrible. They have four kids and they're total terrors. we moved out after I graduated Middle School and had started High School.

I chose Canisius High School firstly because it was the best school for me and secondly because thats where my best friend jordan was going to go. Well, maybe the other way For whatever the reason, I did go there and I'm glad i did. High School was the best years of my life. Canisius is a great school and I can only say good things about a Jesuit education. However, good times are boring. readers are interested in the fuck ups in

I was still a scholastic bitch for half of high school. That is until I met my current friend Drew. By the way check out for a great band. Anyways, he introduced me to the magically world of metal I am so enthraled in now. I started small with bands like Machine Head, Fear Factory, Static-X. I slowly worked up to the grand-daddy of all music, Metallica \m/. Sorry I'm obcesed.

Anyways, senior year sucked ass. I overloaded my schedule with AP's and all sorts of hard shit. i barely passed. Anyways, I went on this religious Kiaros retreat senior year. it was good times. I went with my buddy Alex and it was a blast. Unfortunately I came back a smoker. Thats right, the things that devoured my grandmother were coming for me. Sad to say I still smoke but it seems to be a good stress relief as well as a horrible addictive peice of white, cancerous shit. The one thing I won't forget about that retreat is walking on the frozen lake in the middle of March coming back to the camp singing "Oblivion-by Eve 6".

Well, I graduated without incident, but I didn't start college right away. I took a year off to organize my thoughts and to apply to Canisius College. I currently work for Exxon-Mobil as a clerk. Work is boring usually. Its good money though. Thats where this story ends. As you venture further into these pages remember I am very influenced by Metal and that I was brought up in a Christian

Nothing But The Truth

