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October 24th 1967 - August 27, 2004

Lee Joseph Welsh

This website is dedicated to my little brother Lee Welsh.

Please feel free to sign the guest book at the bottom of the page. Lee passed away from A.R.D.S. on August 27th of 2004. He will never be forgotten by all his loved ones. Lee went into the hospital after feeling sick for a day and a half, only to be put on a ventilator for over 3 weeks before he lost the fight with A.R.D.S. No one knows why or how he came down with this horid disiese, but what everyone can only describe was a emotional roller coaster ride to hell and back. On this website dedicated to Lee you will find a link to paypal to help his famy he left behind. Lee was married with 5 kids. 4 were step children and the 5th was his biological child her name is E'leesa. She is a bright 6 year old that loves her daddy and still does not understand. All money goes to a trust fund for the kids and kids only. I have also put a link to the A.R.D.S. website dedicated to victims and family of A.R.D.S. to this please read the website if you have no knowledge of a.r.d.s. as you will see that it is worse than anything out there, as far as not having a answer as to why someone gets it.

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I can only ask that donations will be made. All you have to do is hit the PayPal button and donate. Every dollar counts towards the well being of the kids.

Please email comments and questions to: leesfund@hotmail.com

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