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Thomas Mathew DeLonge

Blink 182:Vocals, guitar

Full Name:Thomas Matthew Delonge


DOB:Dec. 13, 1975

Birth Place:San Diego, Cali

Location: Encintas, Cali

Fav Band:Menudo

Maritial Status:Married

Fav Movie: Anything with Mel Gibson naked

Pets:dog, german shepard named Grey

Quote:"The aliens have landed"

Bugged by:The government

" old are you? 15? OH MY GOD!!! Put those things away."

"We write songs about love, life friendship, food.....your mom."

"I can't live without Mexican food."

"Do I look feminine when I stand like this?"

"Fuck me, I'm losing respect for myself as an artist.....and as a lover."

"Please don't throw up your dirty toilet paper, we're not hungry."

"I masturbated like 5 times in the last 24 hours, I think it's gonna fall off."

"We take our music very seriously."

"Some people think we're idiots and perverts, which we are."

"I'm not gay, alot of people think I'm gay. I have a girlfriend, she thinks I'm gay."

"I came up with a little formula," Delonge says. "If you write songs about girls you get girls at show. We write a lot of songs about girls."

If you want a guy who will rock and roll all

night, eat burritos and laugh so hard, milk shoots out his

nose, congrats! Tom Delonge from Blink 182 is 4 u....but

that's too bad because he's MINE!!! ALL MINE!!!

    A picture Tom took with his phone on the set of the "I Miss You" video.