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"i keep on fallin'....."

July 21 2002
I had to restart this blog again b/c Angelfire's bitch ass. =\ But this is a blog for myself and Andrea[vice prez.] when we want to rant. So if you piss us off, guarantee that you'll e mentioned.;]

July 24 2002
I've been trying to update as much as I can. Maybe it's just me, but why are ppl IM'ng me saying some things aren't getting done? Uh, was I not out for a whole week b/c of surgery? Am I fucking Superwoman? Not everyone sits at home on the computer like some people do. I just got home from the hospital, so sue me for not updating much. Christ man, people are just really unappreciative.

July 25 2002
I've done a lot of designing lately. I've done like 5 livejournals + lj user info graphics. I'm just fucking awsome;D Anyway, I need to get motivated and get my fall class schedule done for school. I think I might minor in spanish. I'm basically majoring in linguistics. I am extraordinary is languages. I love doing accents.;] Anyway I'll update later.

August 7 2002
Okay, I'm allowed to rant right now. I know I said I can do journals and what not, but damn man. There is another person that does graphics. Not just me! Also, is it just me, or is everyone copying my username + graphical ideas? I derno... And.. why is it everytime someone emails me something, they add gay ass quotes and pics of those stupid profile bunnies and swirls? I'm sorry, but do I look 13? An animation is cool, but like those quotes: wun luv. I'm about to bizounce a kiss.. Damn. That's just aggravating. And if yer someone that does that, I just called you out on it:P So cut it out;D And, if your wondering why I have my away msg. on all the time, its b/c I don't like being IM'd anyway, but alo I hate it when I get an IM 10 secs afterI log on. If it' that important, email a bitch. ;D

August 14 2002
Okay, if anyone actualy reads this, you'd know the things that just really irk me. Like when pople IM me with whacked out fonts. Please,do not IM me with cursive handwriting and expect me to read it. Godamnit. I can't fuking read that you morons. So please,cut it out. Also, do not send me emails that are like munti-colored. Like with the words and color and the background behind the words another. Seriously annoying. And those gay as quotes again. God, listen why don't you!



real bitch

sweet vanity

tootee frootee

sweet cherrie


4 eyes