Fighters Anthology
Patch 1.02F (E): The Fighters Anthology patch to v1.02F (English) - required to play in HyperLOBBY. click to download
Custom lib #1: IceLib v3.2 for FA; the revision of IceLib v3.0, with lots of new or modified planes, vehicles, weapons, etc. click to download
Custom lib #2: The Devil's ABA - makes modifications to a couple Airbase Assault maps, making ABA more interesting and challenging to fly; requires no other libs (see documentation for details). click to download
Custom lib #3: Shape lib for Fighters Anthology; fixes most of the swingwing planes in FA so they don't always look like they're gonna lose their wings - includes a very good cosmetic upgrade for the F-14; this lib is compatible with most other libs, including Icelib for FA. click to download
Custom lib #4: Campaign mission fix for Fighters Anthology; fixes the "no plane selection screen" bug in all campaign missions; this lib does not require (but is compatible with) other libs, including Icelib for FA. click to download
Mission set #1: 5 combat missions (Fighters Anthology only), complete with mission text files. click to download
Mission set #2: 13 combat missions (Fighters Anthology only), with text file descriptions (no .mt files). Requires the Project: Delta lib by P. Mok. click to download
Mission set #3: 2 combat missions (multiplayer coops, Fighters Anthology only), complete with mission text files. click to download
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