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"Cheats" and Special Functions

(Compatible with all Jane's Combat Sims supported on this site unless noted otherwise)

(Right CTRL-ALT-SHIFT means the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys on the right side of the keyboard.)

Press and hold Right CTRL-ALT-SHIFT while setting up a Quick Mission allows you to fly any plane; check for some crazy planes in the "A" and "Q" sections (must keep keys held down until the Load Ordnance screen shows up).

Press and hold Right CTRL-ALT-SHIFT when clicking on Single Mission allows you to play any mission, including campaign missions (must keep keys held down until list shows up).

Press and hold Right CTRL-ALT-SHIFT when clicking on Load Mission in the Pro Mission Creator lets you load any mission, including campaign missions (must keep keys held down until list shows up).

CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-V saves current screen in .raw format. Can later be converted into .bmp format using either the DuoSoft Toolkit for that particular game (e.g. ATF Toolkit) or a screen shot converter program (several are available on the Utilities section of this site).

CTRL-V in-flight plays secret music (an arrangement of Ride of the Valkyries), press again to return to normal in-flight music. (USNF '97 only)

ALT-F in-flight tells your wingman to attack your currently locked IR target (when in IR/Laser advanced targeting mode).

SHIFT-D in-flight repeats last six messages.

CTRL-F displays the frame rate.

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